For more basic resources, see this list from Biol 607


Bayesian Basics by Michael Clarke
Statistical Rethinking Recoded
recoding Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis from A. Solomon Kurz
Prior Choice Recommendation Wiki
Bayesian Data Analysis by Gelman et al.

Mixed Models

Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models by Gelman and Hill. My bible.


Forecasting: Principles and Practice. 2018. Rob Hyndman and George Athanasaopoules. A great intro to timeseries and forecasting in R.
A Tour of Time Series Analysis with R

Spatial Analysis (GIS and Modeling)

Geocomputation with R with forthcoming book!
Data Carpentry Geospatial Workshop
GIS Resources from University of Chicago
Intro to Spatial Econometrics in R
Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R
Introduction to R for Spatial Analysis and Mapping - uses sp instead of sf but very useful
R Spatial Workshop Notes
Spatial Data Handling

SEM, Causality, and All That

Structural Equation Modeling for Ecology and Evolutionary Biology My week long workshop in SEM with slides, code, and readings
Jon Lefcheck’s Notes in SEM in EEB
Jim Grace’s SEM tutorials
The Book of Why Judea Pearl’s intro to causal thinking from an approachable general audience perspective


Principles of Econometrics with R 2016. Constantin Colonescu. Yes, it’s econometrics, but there’s a lot here that’s very generalizable to biological data analysis in R as well.
Introduction to Econometrics with R


Advanced R. 2014. Great walkthrough of the details and guts of R. From novices to R wizards, you will learn things you never thought possible (or the actual reasoning behind that hacky stuff you’ve been doing for years).
Tidy evaluation: The Bookdown


Using Git and Github with Rstudio
Git and Github in Rstudio
Happy with Git. 2006. Jenny Bryan. Introduction to Git and Github for her class. Very detailed and walks you through each step.


R Weekly A weekly newsletter
R bloggers R Blogger aggregator
RStudio Blog
Simply Statistics
Statistical modeling, causal inference, and social science: Andrew Gelman’s research group
R-statistics blog
Error Statistics Philosophy Great source of information on philosophy of statistics and data analysis
Quantum Forest A shoebox for scribbles on data analysis by Luis Apiolaza
Inundata from Karthik Ram of ROpenSci
Xi’an’s Og
Civil Statistician Former census statistician
Citizen Statistician Various stats faculty


Not So Standard Deviations Listen to this! #Rcatladies
FiveThirtyEight Elections Podcast: How we use data analysis to forecast elections.
What’s the Point: Data in society. From FiveThirtyEight.

Twitter Feeds

Karthik Ram
Hilary Parker
Hadley Wickham
Jenny Bryan
Roger D. Peng
Emily Robinson
Scott Chamberlain
R-Ladies Boston
Carly Strasser


The Logic of Scientific Discovery. 1934. Karl Popper.
The Methodology of Scientific Research Programs Collected works of Irme Lakatos
Against Method Paul Feyerabend’s provocative take on sciene in context.
For and Against Method Collected correspondence/dialogue of Imre Lakatos and Paul Feyerabend