Meta-analysis as a missing data problem
Measurement error in X
Missing datapoints
For Group A, you know a mean and SD
For Group B, you know a mean and SD
You can then calculate an effect size
Gaitán-Espitia et al. 2016
s1 species survive an event in group 1, and e1 go extinct.
So p1 fraction of species survived an event in group 1 and p2 in group 2
\[lnor = \frac{p1/(1-p1)}{p2/(1-p2)}\]
\[var \: lnor = \sqrt{1/s_1 + 1/e_1 + 1/s_2 + 1/e_2}\]
Data from Orzechowski et al. 2015 Global Change Biology
Nakagawa et al. 2017
Likelihood: \[y_i \sim N(\mu, \sigma_i)\]
Prior: \[\mu \sim N(0,1)\]
We have observed \(\sigma_i\).
Nakagawa et al. 2017
Likelihood: \[y_i \sim N(\theta_i, \sigma_i)\]
Random Effects: \[\theta_i \sim N(\mu, \tau)\]
Prior: \[\mu \sim N(0,1)\] \[\tau \sim halfN(0,2)\]
We have observed \(\sigma_i\) and \(y_i\).
re_meta <- ulam(
# likelihood
lnorReg ~ dnorm(theta[measurement_id], sd_lnor),
# RE
theta[measurement_id] ~ dnorm(mu, tau),
# Prior
mu ~ dnorm(0, 1),
tau ~ dhalfnorm(0,2)
data = ext |>
select(lnorReg, vlnorReg) |>
mutate(sd_lnor = sqrt(vlnorReg),
measurement_id = 1:n()),
chains = 3, log_lik = TRUE
re_meta <- ulam(
# likelihood
lnorReg ~ dnorm(theta, sd_lnor),
theta <- mu + measure_dev[measurement_id],
# RE
measure_dev[measurement_id] ~ dnorm(0, tau),
# Prior
mu ~ dnorm(0, 1),
tau ~ dhalfnorm(0,2)
data = ext |>
select(lnorReg, vlnorReg) |>
mutate(sd_lnor = sqrt(vlnorReg),
measurement_id = 1:n()),
chains = 3
Nakagawa et al. 2017
Likelihood: \[y_{ij} \sim N(\theta_{ij}, \sigma_{ij})\]
Random Effects: \[\theta_{ij} \sim N(\psi_i, \omega_{i})\] \[\psi_{i} \sim N(\mu, \tau)\]
Prior: \[\mu \sim N(0,1)\] \[\omega \sim halfN(0,2)\] \[\tau \sim halfN(0,2)\]
We have observed \(\sigma_{ij}\) and \(y_{ij}\).
multi_meta <- ulam(
# likelihood
lnorReg ~ dnorm(theta[measurement_id], sd_lnor),
# RE
theta[measurement_id] ~ dnorm(psi[study_id], omega),
psi[study_id] ~ dnorm(mu, tau),
# Prior
mu ~ dnorm(0, 1),
tau ~ dhalfnorm(0,2),
omega ~ dhalfnorm(0,2)
data = ext |>
select(lnorReg, vlnorReg, study.ID) |>
mutate(sd_lnor = sqrt(vlnorReg),
measurement_id = 1:n(),
study_id = as.numeric(as.factor(study.ID))),
chains = 4, log_lik = TRUE, iter = 4e3
multi_meta <- ulam(
# likelihood
lnorReg ~ dnorm(theta[measurement_id], sd_lnor),
theta <- mu + measure_dev[measurement_id] + study_dev[study_id],
# RE
measure_dev[measurement_id] ~ dnorm(0, omega),
study_dev[study_id] ~ dnorm(0, tau),
# Prior
mu ~ dnorm(0, 1),
tau ~ dhalfnorm(0,2),
omega ~ dhalfnorm(0,2)
data = ext |>
select(lnorReg, vlnorReg, study.ID) |>
mutate(sd_lnor = sqrt(vlnorReg),
measurement_id = 1:n(),
study_id = as.numeric(as.factor(study.ID))),
chains = 4, log_lik = TRUE, iter = 4e3
When you want to know the state of a field, META-ANALYSIS!
We can estimate relationships when we have one more more source of uncertainty in Y.
Ask yourself, what are my sources of variation.
It’s distributions all the way down (NCP can help)!
Meta-analysis as a missing data problem
Measurement error in X
Missing datapoints
Likelihood: \[Y_i \sim N(\hat{Y_i}, \sigma)\]
DGP: \[\hat{Y_i} = \alpha + \beta X_i\]
Oh wait! The measurement error is already there - \(\sigma\) has both process error AND measurement error!
Old School notation: \[Y_i = \alpha + \beta X_i + \epsilon_i + \gamma_i\]
Error is now decomposed into process error (\(\epsilon_i\)) and measurement error (\(\gamma_i\)).
Both are normally distributed. Does not affect bias in estimate of \(\beta\)
Likelihood: \[Y_i \sim N(\hat{Y_i}, \sigma)\]
DGP in our Model: \[\hat{Y_i} = \alpha + \beta_1 X_i + \beta_1 \nu_i\]
Where, \(\nu_i \sim N(0, \tau)\)
Our estimate of \(\beta_1\) is biased by \(\nu_i\)
Likelihood: \[Y_i \sim N(\hat{Y_i}, \sigma)\]
Measurement Error in X: \[X_i \sim N(\hat{X_i}, \tau)\]
DGP in our Model: \[\hat{Y_i} = \alpha + \beta_1 \hat{X_i}\]
Likelihood: \[chl_i \sim N(\hat{chl_i}, \sigma)\]
Measurement Error in X: \[P_i \sim N(\hat{P_i}, \tau)\]
DGP in our Model: \[\hat{chl_i} = \alpha + \beta_1 \hat{P_i}\]
d <- lake_dat |> select(chl, phosphorus_measured) |>
mutate(chl_s = standardize(chl),
phosphorus_measured_s = standardize(phosphorus_measured),
idx = 1:n())
chl_fit <- ulam(
# likelihood
chl_s ~ dnorm(chl_hat_s, sigma),
# ME
phosphorus_measured_s ~ dnorm(phosphorus_s[idx], tau),
phosphorus_s[idx] ~ dnorm( 0, 10 ),
chl_hat_s <- a + b*phosphorus_s[idx],
# Priors
a ~ dnorm(0,1),
b ~ dnorm(0,1),
sigma ~ dhalfnorm(0,2),
tau ~ dhalfnorm(0,10)
data = d,
chains = 3, iter = 6e3)
\[b_{std} = b_{unstd} * sd(x)/sd(y)\]
\[b_{unstd} = b_{nstd} * sd(y)/sd(x)\]
\[sd(x_{true}) = sd(x_{with\: error})*\sqrt{1-\tau^2}\]
model mean sd 5.5% 94.5%
1 True fit 18.182219 3.606099 0.45114870 0.8698756
2 Naieve fit 5.258769 2.822203 0.04396663 0.5739587
3 Corrected Fit NaN NaN 0.02855949 0.5823006
Meta-analysis as a missing data problem
Measurement error in X
Missing datapoints
mean sd 5.5% 94.5% rhat ess_bulk
nu -0.04714869 0.2049979 -0.37098057 0.2823604 1.0010665 1683.4534
a 0.02805418 0.1626065 -0.22538692 0.2841390 1.0003893 2373.1851
bM -0.53353005 0.2077682 -0.84813701 -0.1813322 1.0029487 1171.7342
bB 0.49134010 0.2457367 0.07581845 0.8544105 1.0014550 832.7026
sigma_B 1.01533131 0.1754819 0.77362509 1.3229134 1.0004121 1400.3242
sigma 0.84625477 0.1523247 0.63517489 1.1195761 1.0014497 1122.4521
B_impute[1] -0.57758106 0.8857533 -1.92132945 0.8589375 0.9997388 1772.5683
B_impute[2] -0.67251768 0.9602740 -2.17094245 0.8504497 1.0006213 2114.2284
B_impute[3] -0.69251942 0.9334207 -2.13525580 0.8012555 1.0026442 2013.6329
B_impute[4] -0.26664019 0.8955270 -1.68006795 1.2096898 0.9999199 2595.1109
B_impute[5] 0.46873248 0.9290779 -1.02415665 1.9263149 1.0010083 2607.2185
B_impute[6] -0.18896418 0.9149612 -1.60841325 1.2467667 1.0014501 2351.7854
B_impute[7] 0.16062658 0.9331044 -1.31401140 1.6316326 1.0014329 2999.6736
B_impute[8] 0.24145252 0.9161032 -1.20155615 1.6830962 1.0018687 2749.1803
B_impute[9] 0.50535876 0.9185386 -0.94126239 1.9197811 1.0010959 2302.9500
B_impute[10] -0.43405382 0.9102278 -1.85549965 1.0841341 1.0040564 2474.1664
B_impute[11] -0.28032590 0.9056276 -1.71838520 1.1071042 0.9995017 2894.9464
B_impute[12] 0.14044318 0.9248727 -1.37572560 1.5707976 1.0025727 2640.2179
We can impute data!
It’s all just distributions, anyway
But, be wary of the structure of missingness and how observation error enters the fray