Bayesian Linear Regression
A Ptolemeic Model of the Universe
Why a Normal Error Distribution
Good descriptor of sum of many small errors
True for many different distributions
A Normal Error Distribution and Many Small Errors
par (mfrow= c (1 ,2 ))
set.seed (100 )
z <- replicate (100 , cumsum (rnorm (100 )))
matplot (z, type= "l" , col= "grey" )
simplehist (replicate (1000 , sum (rnorm (100 ))))
par (mfrow= c (1 ,1 ))
Or in Continuous Space
set.seed (2019 )
samps <- replicate (1e5 , sum (1 + runif (100 ,0 ,1 )))
plot (density (samps))
Gaussian Behavior from Many Distributions
par (mfrow= c (1 ,2 ))
set.seed (100 )
z <- replicate (100 , cumsum (rbinom (100 ,10 ,.5 )))
matplot (z, type= "l" , col= "grey" , main= "Binomial Walk" )
simplehist (replicate (1000 , sum (rbinom (100 ,10 ,.5 ))))
par (mfrow= c (1 ,1 ))
Try it: the Central Limit Theorem
library (rethinking)
simplehist (replicate (1e4 , sum (rbeta (100 ,1 ,1 ))))
But, Is the World an Accumulation of Small Errors?
Linear Regression: A Simple Statistical Golem
Describes association between predictor and response
Response is additive combination of predictor(s)
Constant variance
Why should we be wary of linear regression?
Not mechanistic
Often deployed without thought
But, often very accurate
So, how do we build models?
Identify response
Determine likelihood (distribution of error of response)
Write equation(s) describing generation of predicted values
Assign priors to parameters
Our Previous Model
\(w \sim Binomial(6, size=9, prob = prob)\)
\(prob \sim Uniform(0,1)\)
A Normal/Gaussian Model
\(y_i \sim Normal( \mu, \sigma)\)
\(\mu \sim Normal(0,1000)\)
\(\sigma \sim U(0,50)\)
A Model of a Mean Height from the !Kung San
data (Howell1)
Howell1_Adult <- Howell1 %>%
filter (age >= 18 )
What does the data look like?
mean sd 5.5% 94.5% histogram
height 154.59709 7.7423321 142.8750 167.00500 ▁▃▇▇▅▇▂▁▁
weight 44.99049 6.4567081 35.1375 55.76588 ▁▅▇▇▃▂▁
age 41.13849 15.9678551 20.0000 70.00000 ▂▅▇▅▃▇▃▃▂▂▂▁▁▁▁
male 0.46875 0.4997328 0.0000 1.00000 ▇▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▇
Our Model of Height
\(h_i \sim Normal( \mu, \sigma)\)
\(\mu \sim Normal(187, 20)\) My Height
\(\sigma \sim U(0,50)\) Wide range of possibilities
Prior Predictive Simulation
Are your priors any good?
Simulate from them to generate fake data
Does simulated data look realistic?
Does simulated data at least fall in the range of your data?
\(\mu \sim \mathcal{N}(187, 20)\) My Height
\(\sigma \sim \mathcal{U}(0,50)\) Wide range of possibilities
set.seed (2019 )
n <- 1e4
prior_m <- rnorm (n, 187 , 20 )
prior_s <- runif (n, 0 , 50 )
prior_h <- rnorm (n, prior_m, prior_s)
Reasonable? Giants and Negative People?
\(\mu \sim \mathcal{N}(187, 20)\) My Height
\(\sigma \sim \mathcal{U}(0,50)\) Wide range of possibilities
OK, I’m Tall, And Not Even In the Data, So….
\(\mu \sim \mathcal{N}(150, 20)\) Something More Reasonable
\(\sigma \sim \mathcal{U}(0,50)\) Wide range of possibilities
Grid Sampling
# Make the grid
grid <- tidyr:: crossing (mu = seq (140 , 160 , length.out= 200 ),
sigma = seq (4 , 9 , length.out= 200 )) |>
#Calculate the log-likelihoods for each row
group_by (1 : n ()) %>%
mutate (log_lik = sum (dnorm (Howell1_Adult$ height, mu, sigma, log= TRUE ))) %>%
ungroup () %>%
# Use these and our posteriors to get the numerator
# of Bayes theorem
mutate (numerator = log_lik +
dnorm (mu, 150 , 20 , log= TRUE ) +
dunif (sigma, 0 ,50 , log= TRUE )) |>
#Now calculate the posterior (approximate)
mutate (posterior = exp (numerator - max (numerator)))
ggplot (grid,
aes (x = mu, y = sigma, alpha = posterior, color = posterior)) +
geom_point () +
scale_alpha_continuous (range= c (0 ,1 )) +
scale_color_viridis_c ()
Posterior from a Sample of the Grid
samp <- grid[sample (1 : nrow (grid), size= 1e4 , replace= TRUE , prob= grid$ posterior),1 : 2 ]
ggplot (samp, aes (x = mu, y = sigma)) +
geom_point (alpha = 0.3 , color = "blue" )
Or, let’s Reconceptualize With a Model
\(h_i \sim \mathcal{N}( \mu, \sigma)\) height ~ dnorm(mu, sigma)
\(\mu \sim \mathcal{N}(150, 20)\) mu ~ dnorm(150, 200)
\(\sigma \sim U(0,50)\) sigma ~ dunif(0,50)
Building Models using rethinking: The alist Object
mean_mod <- alist (
height ~ dnorm (mu, sigma),
Building Models using rethinking: The alist Object
mean_mod <- alist (
height ~ dnorm (mu, sigma),
mu ~ dnorm (150 , 20 ),
sigma ~ dunif (0 ,50 )
Feed the Model to Maximum A Posterior Approximation
mean_fit <- quap (mean_mod,
data = Howell1_Adult)
Uses optimization algorithms
Same algorithms as likelihood
Compare map to grid
Adding a Predictor
Identify response (height)
Determine likelihood (distribution of error of response)
Write equation(s) describing generation of predicted values
Assign priors to parameters
Check priors with simulation
The Mean Changes with predictor: A Linear Model!
\(h_i \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_i, \sigma)\)
Data Generating Process
\(\mu_i = \alpha + \beta (x_i - \bar{x_i})\)
\(\alpha \sim \mathcal{N}(150, 20)\) Previous Mean
\(\beta \sim \mathcal{N}(0, 10)\) Weakly Informative
\(\sigma \sim \mathcal{U}(0,50)\) Wide range of possibilities
Let’s have the Centering Talk. Why?
Let’s Check our Priors! But Over what range?
range (Howell1_Adult$ weight)
So, ± 15
When in doubt, simulate it out!
set.seed (2019 )
n <- 100
# a data frame of priors
sim_priors_df <- data.frame (a = rnorm (n, 150 , 20 ),
b = rnorm (n, 0 , 10 ))
# geom_abline to make lines
prior_plot <- ggplot (data = sim_priors_df) +
geom_abline (mapping = aes (slope = b, intercept = a)) +
xlim (c (- 15 ,15 )) + ylim (c (- 100 , 500 )) +
xlab ("Weight - Mean Weight" ) + ylab ("Height (cm)" )
Giants and Negative Humans?
Rethinking our Priors!
Try a log-normal to guaruntee a positive value!
[1] 7.208450 -3.946306 9.826626 -14.043020 8.002034 -7.507425
[7] -17.869624 6.412382 -7.564241 6.945962
[1] 2.8380974 0.8909155 0.2886832 0.1285018 1.1239655 1.4806061 0.8809009
[8] 0.7026157 3.6836816 0.4159838
The Log Normal
Simulate it out!
Our Linear Model
weight_mod <- alist (
height ~ dnorm (mu, sigma),
#Data generating process
mu <- alpha + beta * (weight- mean (weight)),
alpha ~ dnorm (150 , 20 ),
beta ~ dlnorm (0 , 1 ),
sigma ~ dunif (0 ,50 )
weight_fit <- quap (weight_mod,
data = Howell1_Adult)
The Coefficients
mean sd 5.5% 94.5%
alpha 154.5962531 0.27030757 154.16425 155.0282568
beta 0.9032821 0.04192365 0.83628 0.9702841
sigma 5.0718827 0.19115492 4.76638 5.3773852
See the fit
base_plot <- ggplot (data= Howell1_Adult,
mapping= aes (x= weight- mean (weight), y= height)) +
geom_point () +
theme_bw (base_size= 17 )
geom_abline (slope= coef (weight_fit)[2 ],
intercept= coef (weight_fit)[1 ],
color= "blue" , lwd= 1.4 )
The fit
So, what do we do with a fit model?
Evaluate model assumptions
Evaluate model estimates and meaning
Assess uncertainty in fit
Assess uncertainty in prediction
Sampling From Models with tidybayes
library (tidybayes)
library (tidybayes.rethinking)
for Link Predictions
weight_samps <-
linpred_draws (weight_fit,
newdata = Howell1_Adult,
ndraws = 1000 )
head (weight_samps)
# A tibble: 6 × 7
# Groups: height, weight, age, male, .row [1]
height weight age male .row .draw .value
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <int> <int> <dbl>
1 152. 47.8 63 1 1 1 157.
2 152. 47.8 63 1 1 2 157.
3 152. 47.8 63 1 1 3 158.
4 152. 47.8 63 1 1 4 157.
5 152. 47.8 63 1 1 5 157.
6 152. 47.8 63 1 1 6 157.
Get Residuals and a Summarized Frame
weight_samps <- weight_samps |>
mutate (.residuals = height - .value)
weight_samps_summarized <- weight_samps |>
group_by (height, weight, .row) |>
summarize (
.mean_resid = mean (.residuals),
.mean = mean (.value),
.lower_pi = PI (.value)[1 ],
.upper_pi = PI (.value)[2 ],
.groups = "drop"
Check Posterior Against Data
Code for PP Check
ggplot () +
geom_density (data = weight_samps |> filter (.draw < 20 ),
aes (group = .draw, x = .value),
alpha = 0.02 , color = "lightblue" ) +
geom_density (data = Howell1_Adult, aes (x = height), color = "darkblue" )
QQ, etc…
qqnorm (weight_samps_summarized$ .mean_resid)
qqline (weight_samps_summarized$ .mean_resid)
ggplot (weight_samps_summarized,
aes (x= .mean_resid, y= .mean)) +
geom_point (size= 1.3 ) +
coord_flip ()
Model Results
precis (weight_fit, cor= TRUE )
mean sd 5.5% 94.5%
alpha 154.5962531 0.27030757 154.16425 155.0282568
beta 0.9032821 0.04192365 0.83628 0.9702841
sigma 5.0718827 0.19115492 4.76638 5.3773852
Model Results
Sampling from the Posterior Distribution
post <- tidy_draws (weight_fit)
head (post)
# A tibble: 6 × 6
.chain .iteration .draw alpha beta sigma
<int> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 NA NA 1 154. 0.915 5.12
2 NA NA 2 154. 0.918 5.06
3 NA NA 3 155. 0.913 4.82
4 NA NA 4 154. 0.842 4.67
5 NA NA 5 155. 0.896 4.93
6 NA NA 6 155. 0.819 4.92
tidyr:: pivot_longer (post, alpha: sigma) |>
ggplot (aes (x = value)) +
geom_density () +
facet_wrap (vars (name), scale = "free" )
ggplot (data = post, aes (x = alpha, y = beta)) +
geom_point (alpha = 0.2 , color = "blue" )
How Well Have we Fit the Data? Use Samples of Data
ggplot () +
#simulated fits from the posterior
geom_line (data= weight_samps |> filter (.draw < 500 ),
mapping= aes (x = weight,
y = .value,
group = .draw), alpha= 0.02 ) +
#the data
geom_point (data= Howell1_Adult,
mapping= aes (x= weight, y= height), pch= 1 , color = "blue" )
How Well Have we Fit the Data?
Or, Use ggdist
library (ggdist)
ggplot () +
#simulated fits from the posterior
stat_lineribbon (data= weight_samps ,
mapping= aes (x = weight,
y = .value)) +
#the data
geom_point (data= Howell1_Adult,
mapping= aes (x= weight, y= height), pch= 1 , color = "blue" )
Or, Use ggdist
What about prediction intervals?
#1) Get the posterior prediction interval
pred_samps <- predicted_draws (weight_fit, newdata = Howell1_Adult)
#2) Put it all back together and plot
ggplot () +
#simulated fits from the posterior
stat_lineribbon (data= pred_samps ,
mapping= aes (x = weight,
y = .prediction)) +
#the data
geom_point (data= Howell1_Adult,
mapping= aes (x= weight, y= height), pch= 1 , color = "blue" )
Prediction Interval
Prediction Interval Lines
Prediction Interval Points
Polynomial Regression and Standardization
The Actual Data
This is not linear!
Before fitting this, Standardize!
A Nonlinear Model
\(h_i \sim Normal( \mu_i, \sigma)\)
Data Generating Process
\(\mu_i = \alpha + \beta_1 x_i + \beta_2 x_i^2 + \beta_3 x_i^3\)
\(\alpha \sim \mathcal{N}(150, 20)\)
\(\beta_j \sim \mathcal{N}(0, 10)\)
\(\sigma \sim \mathcal{U}(0,50)\)
Our Model in Code
full_height_mod <- alist (
height ~ dnorm (mu, sigma),
#Data generating process
mu <- alpha +
beta1 * weight.s +
beta2 * weight.s^ 2 +
beta3 * weight.s^ 3 ,
alpha ~ dnorm (150 , 100 ),
beta1 ~ dnorm (0 , 10 ),
beta2 ~ dnorm (0 , 10 ),
beta3 ~ dnorm (0 , 10 ),
sigma ~ dunif (0 ,50 )
We fit!
full_height_fit <- quap (full_height_mod,
data = Howell1)
Before We Go Further, We CAN Look at Priors
In rethinking, we can extract prior coefficients
nonlinear_priors <- extract.prior (full_height_fit)|>
as_tibble () |>
mutate (draw = 1 : n ())
head (nonlinear_priors)
# A tibble: 6 × 6
alpha beta1 beta2 beta3 sigma draw
<dbl[1d]> <dbl[1d]> <dbl[1d]> <dbl[1d]> <dbl[1d]> <int>
1 91.7 10.3 4.30 -0.299 46.0 1
2 269. 21.6 -2.89 15.5 25.8 2
3 153. 0.101 -0.974 5.86 14.2 3
4 168. -18.6 2.71 -9.56 43.1 4
5 183. 2.56 -2.95 -14.1 14.0 5
6 198. -12.2 -9.10 -5.33 7.90 6
We Can Just Calculate Curves
prior_pred <- tidyr:: crossing (
nonlinear_priors[1 : 100 ,],
Howell1 ) |>
mutate (height = alpha + beta1* weight.s +
beta2* weight.s^ 2 +
beta3* weight.s^ 3 )
ggplot (data = Howell1, aes (x = weight.s, y = height)) +
geom_line (data = prior_pred, aes (group = draw), alpha = 0.5 )
Were These Good Priors?
But Did Our Model Fit?
poly_fits <- linpred_draws (full_height_fit, newdata = Howell1,
ndraws = 1e3 )
ggplot () +
geom_line (data = poly_fits,
aes (x = weight.s, y = .value, group = .draw), alpha = 0.4 ) +
geom_point (data = Howell1, aes (x = weight.s, y = height),
pch = 1 , color = "darkblue" ) #+
#scale_x_continuous(labels = round(-2:2 * sd(Howell1$weight) + mean(Howell1$weight),2))
The Essence of Bayesian Modeling
Check your data and think about how geocentric you want to be.
Build a model with reasonable priors
Test your priors!
Don’t be afraid to admit your priors are unrealistic
If truly worried, test robustness of conclusions to prior choice
Evaluate the FULL implications of the posterior with samples
This includes classic model checks
But visualize your model fits from samples
Do you burn down Prague?