Dealing with Autocorrelation

Are Ecological Global Change Analyses Mostly Wrong?

Johnson et al. 2024

Are Ecological Global Change Analyses Mostly Wrong?

Johnson et al. 2024

An Autocorrelated Adventure

  1. Intro to Autocorrelation

  2. Autocorrelation in Space with Gaussian Processes

  3. Autocorrelation due to Phylogeny

  4. Splines and Autocorrelation in Time

Measurements Are Often Distributed in Continuous, Not Discrete, Space

Naive Model

Wetness -> NDVI

boreal <- read.table("./data/06/Boreality.txt", header=T) |>
  mutate(NDVI_s = standardize(NDVI),
         Wet_s = standardize(Wet))

ndvi_nospatial <- alist(
  NDVI_s ~ dnorm(mu, sigma),
  mu <- alpha + beta * Wet_s,
  alpha ~ dnorm(0,1),
  beta ~ dnorm(0,1),
  sigma ~ dexp(2)

# fit
ndvi_nospatial_fit <- quap(ndvi_nospatial, boreal)

# residuals
boreal_fit <- linpred_draws(ndvi_nospatial_fit, boreal, ndraws = 1e3) |>
  mutate(.residuals = NDVI_s - .value) |>
  group_by(x, y, point) |>
  summarize(.residuals = mean(.residuals))

Spatial Autocorrelation in Residuals

What About Time?

Autocorrelation of Residuals at Different Time Lags

Phylogenetic Autocorrelation

Phylogenetically Correlated Residuals

Considering Correlation: Consider sampling for greeness

Modeling Greeness with a Random Intercept

\(Green_i \sim Normal(\mu_{green}, \sigma_{green})\)

Data Generating Process
\(\mu_{green} = \overline{a} + a_{patch}\)

\(a_{patch} \sim dnorm(0, \sigma_{patch})\)

But “patch” isn’t discrete - it’s continuous, and we know how close they are to each other!

We Think in Terms of a Continuous Correlation Matrices of Residuals

\[cor(\epsilon) = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & \rho_{12} &\rho_{13} \\ \rho_{12} & 1& \rho_{23}\\ \rho_{13} & \rho_{23} & 1 \end{pmatrix}\]

Maybe \(\rho_{12} = \rho_{23} = ...\), maybe there is a function?

For a MVN, We Use the Covariance Matrix

\[K_{ij} = \begin{pmatrix} \sigma_1^2 & \sigma_1\sigma_2 &\sigma_1\sigma_3 \\ \sigma_1\sigma_2 & \sigma_2^2& \sigma_2\sigma_3\\ \sigma_1\sigma_3 & \sigma_2\sigma_3 & \sigma_3^2 \end{pmatrix}\]

But: what is the function that defines \(\sigma_i\sigma_j\) based on the distance between i and j?

Different Shapes of Autocorrelation

Introducing Gaussian Processes

A GP is a random process creating a multivariate normal distribution between points where the covariance between points is related to their distance.

\[a_{patch} \sim MVNorm(0, K)\]

\[K_{ij} = F(D_{ij})\]
where \(D_{ij} = x_i - x_j\)

The Squared Exponential/Gaussian Function(kernel)

\[K_{ij} = \eta^2 exp \left( -\frac{D_{ij}^2}{2 \mathcal{l}^2} \right)\]

where \(\eta^2\) provides the scale of the function and \(\mathcal{l}\) the timescale of the process

The Squared Exponential Covariance Function (kernel)

A surface from a Squared Exponential GP

Squared Exponential v. Linear Dropoff

Other Covariance Functions

  • Periodic: \(K_{P}(i,j) = \exp\left(-\frac{ 2\sin^2\left(\frac{D_{ij}}{2} \right)}{\mathcal{l}^2} \right)\)

  • Ornstein–Uhlenbeck: \(K_{OI}(i,j) = \eta^2 exp \left( -\frac{|D_{ij}|}{\mathcal{l}} \right)\)

  • Quadratic \(K_{RQ}(i,j)=(1+|d|^{2})^{-\alpha },\quad \alpha \geq 0\)

  • Note, all of the above can be folded into 1D or 3D, etc autocorrelation

  • AR1, AR2, etc., are just modifications of the above

The Squared Exponential Function in rethinking (with cov_GPL2)

\[K_{ij} = \eta^2 exp \left( -\frac{D_{ij}^2}{2 \mathcal{l}^2} \right)\]
\[K_{ij} = \eta^2 exp \left( -\rho^2 D_{ij}^2 \right) + \delta_{ij}\sigma^2\]

  • \(\rho^2 = \frac{1}{2 \mathcal{l}^2}\)
  • \(\delta_{ij}\) introduces extra covariance due to replicate measurements
  • Operationalizing a GP

    Let’s assume a Squared Exponential GP with an \(\eta^2\) and \(\mathcal{l}\) of 1. Many possible curves:

    Operationalizing a GP

    And actually, on average

    But once we add some data…

    Pinching in around observations!


    1. Not mechanistic!

    2. But can incorporate many sources of variability

      • e.g., recent analysis showing multiple GP underlying Zika for forecasting
    3. Can mix mechanism and GP

    An Autocorrelated Adventure

    1. Intro to Autocorrelation

    2. Autocorrelation in Space with Gaussian Processes

    3. Autocorrelation due to Phylogeny

    4. Splines and Autocorrelation in Time

    Oceanic Tool Use

         culture population contact total_tools mean_TU   lat   lon  lon2   logpop
    1   Malekula       1100     low          13     3.2 -16.3 167.5 -12.5 7.003065
    2    Tikopia       1500     low          22     4.7 -12.3 168.8 -11.2 7.313220
    3 Santa Cruz       3600     low          24     4.0 -10.7 166.0 -14.0 8.188689
    4        Yap       4791    high          43     5.0   9.5 138.1 -41.9 8.474494
    5   Lau Fiji       7400    high          33     5.0 -17.7 178.1  -1.9 8.909235
    6  Trobriand       8000    high          19     4.0  -8.7 150.9 -29.1 8.987197

    Distances between islands

               Malekula Tikopia Santa Cruz   Yap Lau Fiji Trobriand Chuuk Manus
    Malekula      0.000   0.475      0.631 4.363    1.234     2.036 3.178 2.794
    Tikopia       0.475   0.000      0.315 4.173    1.236     2.007 2.877 2.670
    Santa Cruz    0.631   0.315      0.000 3.859    1.550     1.708 2.588 2.356
    Yap           4.363   4.173      3.859 0.000    5.391     2.462 1.555 1.616
    Lau Fiji      1.234   1.236      1.550 5.391    0.000     3.219 4.027 3.906
    Trobriand     2.036   2.007      1.708 2.462    3.219     0.000 1.801 0.850
    Chuuk         3.178   2.877      2.588 1.555    4.027     1.801 0.000 1.213
    Manus         2.794   2.670      2.356 1.616    3.906     0.850 1.213 0.000
    Tonga         1.860   1.965      2.279 6.136    0.763     3.893 4.789 4.622
    Hawaii        5.678   5.283      5.401 7.178    4.884     6.653 5.787 6.722
               Tonga Hawaii
    Malekula   1.860  5.678
    Tikopia    1.965  5.283
    Santa Cruz 2.279  5.401
    Yap        6.136  7.178
    Lau Fiji   0.763  4.884
    Trobriand  3.893  6.653
    Chuuk      4.789  5.787
    Manus      4.622  6.722
    Tonga      0.000  5.037
    Hawaii     5.037  0.000

    What if I needed to make a distance matrix?

    dist(cbind(Kline2$lat, Kline2$lon))
                1          2          3          4          5          6          7
    2    4.205948                                                                  
    3    5.797413   3.224903                                                       
    4   39.115214  37.652756  34.444884                                            
    5   10.692053  10.754069  13.978913  48.371893                                 
    6   18.257053  18.258423  15.231874  22.250393  28.650305                      
    7   28.539446  26.152055  23.129418  13.662357  36.500137  16.115210           
    8   25.019992  24.158849  20.946837  14.560220  34.882660   7.717513  10.599057
    9  342.735029 344.115112 341.361524 314.800540 353.317336 326.339486 328.049082
    10 325.121593 325.994172 323.052503 293.884076 335.811629 307.831464 307.454208
                8          9
    9  322.665802           
    10 303.298945  45.534273

    Well, convert lat/lon to UTM first, and to matrix after dist

    Our GP Model

    \(Tools_i \sim Poisson(\lambda_i)\)

    Data Generating Process \(log(\lambda_i) = \alpha + \gamma_{society} + \beta log(Population_i)\)

    Gaussian Process \(\gamma_{society} \sim MVNormal((0, ....,0), K)\)
    \(K_{ij} = \eta^2 exp \left( -\rho^2 D_{ij}^2 \right) + \delta_{ij}(0.01)\)

    \(\alpha \sim Normal(0,10)\)
    \(\beta \sim Normal(0,1)\)
    \(\eta^2 \sim Exponential(2)\)
    \(\rho^2 \sim Exponential(0.5)\)

    Our model

    Kline2$society <- 1:nrow(Kline2)
    k2mod <-   alist(
      # likelihood
      total_tools ~ dpois(lambda),
      # Data Generating Process
      log(lambda) <- a + k[society] + bp*logpop,
      # Gaussian Process
      vector[10]:k ~ multi_normal( 0 , SIGMA ),
      matrix[10,10]:SIGMA <- cov_GPL2( Dmat , etasq , rhosq , 0.01 ),
      # Priors
      a ~ dnorm(0,10),
      bp ~ dnorm(0,1),
      etasq ~ dexp(2),
      rhosq ~ dexp(0.5)


    g[society] ~ cov_GPL2( Dmat , etasq , rhosq , 0.01)
    • Note that we supply a distance matrix

    • cov_GPL2 explicitly creates the MV Normal density, but only requires parameters

    Fitting - a list shall lead them

    • We have data of various classes (e.g. matrix, vectors)
    • Hence, we use a list
    • This can be generalized to many cases, e.g. true multilevel models
    k2fit <- ulam(k2mod,
     data = list(
        total_tools = Kline2$total_tools,
        logpop = Kline2$logpop,
        society = Kline2$society,
        Dmat = islandsDistMatrix),

    Did it converge?

    Did it fit?

    What does it all mean?

               mean         sd        5.5%     94.5%     rhat ess_bulk
    a     1.2683090 0.96101153 -0.18077277 2.8894966 1.014524 325.8624
    bp    0.2486083 0.09600888  0.09306479 0.3967548 1.011408 410.5729
    etasq 0.2039891 0.22047529  0.02702730 0.6232529 1.014706 261.0889
    rhosq 1.3945047 1.65297194  0.07653043 4.7089869 1.012138 406.8024

    What is our covariance function by distance?

    #get samples
    k2_samp <- tidy_draws(k2fit) 
    #covariance function
    cov_fun_rethink <- function(d, etasq, rhosq){
      etasq * exp( -rhosq * d^2)
    #make curves
    decline_df <- crossing(data.frame(x = seq(0,10,length.out=200)), 
                           data.frame(etasq = k2_samp$etasq[1:100],
                                      rhosq = k2_samp$rhosq[1:100])) %>%
     dplyr::mutate(covariance = cov_fun_rethink(x, etasq, rhosq))

    Covariance by distance

    Correlation Matrix

    cov_mat <- cov_fun_rethink(islandsDistMatrix,
    cor_mat <- cov2cor(cov_mat)

    Putting it all together…

    Putting it all together…

    An Autocorrelated Adventure

    1. Intro to Autocorrelation

    2. Autocorrelation in Space with Gaussian Processes

    3. Autocorrelation due to Phylogeny

    4. Splines and Autocorrelation in Time

    What About Phylogenetic Autocorrelation?

    Does Primate Group Size Select for Brain Size?

    Possibilities for Incorporating Relatedness

    \[group \ size \sim MVN(\mu, \Sigma)\\ \mu_i = \alpha + \beta_G G_i + \beta_M M_i\]

    • Nothing: \(\Sigma = \sigma^2 I\)

    • Linear/Brownian: \(\Sigma_{ij} = \rho_{ij} \sigma^2\)

    • OU/Linear GP: \(K_{ij} = \eta^2 exp \left( -\rho^2 D_{ij} \right)\)

    Data Prep

    dstan <- Primates301 |>
      mutate(name = as.character(name)) |>
    # for matrices
    spp_obs <- dstan$name
    # A list of data and an Identity Matrix
    dat_list <- list(
        N_spp = nrow(dstan),
        M = standardize(log(dstan$body)),
        B = standardize(log(dstan$brain)),
        G = standardize(log(dstan$group_size)),
        Imat = diag(nrow(dstan)) )

    No Correlation

    no_phylo <- ulam(
            B ~ multi_normal( mu , SIGMA ),
            # DGP
            mu <- a + bM*M + bG*G,
            # Autocorr
            matrix[N_spp,N_spp]: SIGMA <- Imat * sigma_sq,
            a ~ normal( 0 , 1 ),
            c(bM,bG) ~ normal( 0 , 0.5 ),
            sigma_sq ~ exponential( 1 )
        ), data=dat_list , chains=4 , cores=4)

    Making a Correlation Distance Matrix

    #make phylo cov/distance matrices
    tree_trimmed <- keep.tip( Primates301_nex, spp_obs )
    Rbm <- corBrownian( phy=tree_trimmed )
    V <- vcv(Rbm)
    Dmat <- cophenetic( tree_trimmed )
    # put species in right order
    dat_list$V <- V[ spp_obs , spp_obs ]
    # convert to correlation matrix
    dat_list$R <- dat_list$V / max(V)

    The Correlation Matrix

    Brownian Correlation

    brownian <- ulam(
            B ~ multi_normal( mu , SIGMA ),
            # DGP
            mu <- a + bM*M + bG*G,
            # Autocorr
            matrix[N_spp,N_spp]: SIGMA <- R * sigma_sq,
             a ~ normal( 0 , 1 ),
            c(bM,bG) ~ normal( 0 , 0.5 ),
            sigma_sq ~ exponential( 1 )
        ), data=dat_list , chains=4 , cores=4, log_lik = TRUE )

    OU/Linear GP Correlation

    # add scaled and reordered distance matrix
    dat_list$Dmat <- Dmat[ spp_obs , spp_obs ] / max(Dmat)
    ou_gp_mod <- ulam(
            B ~ multi_normal( mu , SIGMA ),
            # DGP
            mu <- a + bM*M + bG*G,
            # Autocorr
            matrix[N_spp,N_spp]: SIGMA <- cov_GPL1( Dmat , etasq , rhosq , 0.01 ),        
            a ~ normal(0,1),
            c(bM,bG) ~ normal(0,0.5),
            etasq ~ half_normal(1,0.25),
            rhosq ~ half_normal(3,0.25)
        ), data=dat_list , chains=4 , cores=4, log_lik = TRUE)

    Which Model Fits Best?

    #compare(no_phylo, brownian, ou_gp_mod, func = PSIS)

    NOTE: Does not currently work due to working with matrices. Standby!

    Comparing G

                       mean         sd         5.5%      94.5%     rhat  ess_bulk
    no_phylo bG  0.12256875 0.02265879  0.085101822 0.15983441 1.000883 1195.5750
    brownian bG  0.02405600 0.02026626 -0.008841488 0.05663509 1.035008  110.6589
    ou_gp_mod bG 0.04975294 0.02311785  0.012833085 0.08657639 1.001296 2345.3181

    An Autocorrelated Adventure

    1. Intro to Autocorrelation

    2. Autocorrelation in Space with Gaussian Processes

    3. Autocorrelation due to Phylogeny

    4. Splines and Autocorrelation in Time

    Kelp from spaaaace!!!

    Cavanaugh et al. 2011, Bell et al. 2015

    The Mohawk Transect 3 300m Timeseries

    Polynomials Only Go So Far

    We Can Use Gaussian Processes…

    A Gaussian Process is a General Case of a Spline in a Generalized Additive Model

    A Spline with many knots converges to a Gaussian Process

    How do we Make a Spline: Start

    We start with a synthetic variable evenly along the X-axis spread using “knots”

    How do we Make a Spline: Weighting

    How do we Make a Spline: Sum Weighted Basis Set

    Predictions from Spline

    B-Splines with Different Knots

    B-Splines of Different Degrees to Control “Wiggliness”

    Splines Basis Sets of Different Types

    And More…

    The GAM Formulation as a Model

    Likelihood: \[y_i\sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_i, \sigma^{2})\]

    Data Generating Process:
    \[g(\mu_i) = f(x_i)\]

    \[ f(x_i) = \sum_{j=1}^{d}\gamma_jB_j(x_i)\]

    • \(B_j(x)\) is your basis function with \(d\) elements.

    • \(\gamma_j\) is a weight for each element of the basis set.

    • You can have other linear predictors

    The Cental Idea Behind GAMs

    Basis Functions: You’ve seen them before

    \[f(X) = \sum_{j=1}^{d}\gamma_jB_j(x)\]

    Linear Regression as a Basis Function:
    \[d = 1\]

    \[B_j(x) = x\]

    So…. \[f(x) = \gamma_j x\]

    Basis Functions: You’ve seen them before

    \[f(X) = \sum_{j=1}^{d}\gamma_jB_j(x)\]

    Polynomial Regression as a Basis Function:
    \[f(x) = \gamma_0 + \gamma_1\cdot x^1 \ldots +\gamma_d\cdot x^d\]

    Basis Functions in GAMs

    • You can think of every \(B_j(x)\) as a transformation of x

    • In GAMs, we base j off of K knots

    • A knot is a place where we split our data into pieces

      • We optimize knot choice, but let’s just split evenly for a demo
    • For each segment of the data, we fit a seprate function, then add them together

    A Model for the Z-Transformed Kelp Time Series

    Likelihood: \[Kelp\:Std_i \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_i, \sigma)\]

    • We Z-Transform for ease of fit and to not worry about 0 problem

    Data Generating Process: \[\mu_i = \alpha + \sum_{d=1}^D w_d B_{d,i}\]

    • Here, remember, B is a transform of Date

    Priors: \[\alpha \sim \mathcal{N}(0, 2) \\ w_d \sim \mathcal{N}(0, 1) \\ \sigma \sim \mathcal{Exp}(1)\]

    Building the Basis Set with 30 knots

    # filter NA as it causes problems with matrix multiplication
    d <- ltrmk3 |> filter(!
    d$k_s <- scale(d$X300m)
    # make a knot list based on date with 30 knots
    knot_list <- seq(min(d$Date), max(d$Date), length.out=30) 
    # build the basis set
    B <- bs(d$Date,
        intercept=TRUE )

    The Model in Rethinking

    kelp_spline_mod <- alist(
      # Likelihood
      K ~ dnorm(mu , sigma),
      # DGP
      mu <- a + B %*% w,
      # Priors
      a ~ dnorm(0, 4),
      w ~ dnorm(0, 1),
      sigma ~ dexp(1)
    # Fit with start values to give dimensions
    # and a list to contain different data types
    kelp_spline_fit <- quap(
      data=list( K=d$k_s , B=B) ,
      start=list( w=rep( 0 , ncol(B) ) ) )

    What did it all mean?

    kelp_pred <- 
                    newdata = list( K=d$k_s , B=B , Date = d$Date)) |>
      group_by(Date) |>
      summarize(k_s = mean(.value),
                X300m = k_s * sd(d$X300m) + mean(sd(d$X300m)))

    What did it all mean?

    Space, Time, And All of That

    • Fundamentally, we assume things close to each other are more similar than things that are far apart.

    • If our predictors account for all variation, this might not be necessary.

    • But, if we wish to account for other correlated drivers or autocorrelation in residuals, we have many options

    • We can model K, the variance-covariance matrix with a MVN process.

    • We can use a spline (computationally faster) that will approximate a Gaussian Process.

    • But don’t forget about possible overparameterization…