Varying Slopes in Bayesian Mixed (aka Hierarchical, aka Multilevel) Models

Gender Discrimination in Graduate Admissions

Our data: Berkeley

class(UCBadmit) <- "data.frame"
  dept applicant.gender admit reject applications
1    A             male   512    313          825
2    A           female    89     19          108
3    B             male   353    207          560
4    B           female    17      8           25
5    C             male   120    205          325
6    C           female   202    391          593

A Poor First Model

#Make a dept and genderindex
UCBadmit$gender <- as.numeric(UCBadmit$applicant.gender)
UCBadmit$dept_id <- as.numeric(UCBadmit$dept)

mod_gender_bad <- alist(
  admit ~ dbinom(applications, p),
  #Data generating process
  logit(p) <- a + b[gender],
  a ~ dnorm(0,10),
  b[gender] ~ dnorm(0,10)

fit_gender_bad <- quap(mod_gender_bad, UCBadmit)

How does it look?

What is the model we want?

  1. Random effect of departent
    • Recall a fixed effect of department fit much better

  2. AND the gender effect might vary by department
    • In fixed effects, this would be dept*gender
    • In mixed models, effect of gender varies by department

What about this?

\(a_{dept} \sim dnorm(\hat{a}, \sigma_{a})\)

\(b_{dept} \sim dnorm(\hat{b}, \sigma_{b})\)

What is missing?

Notice how Slope and Intercept covary

Notice how Slope and Intercept covary

Dealing with Slope-Intercept Covariance

So, if we want… \[logit(p_i) = a_{dept} + b_{dept} gender_i\]

Then, \(a_{dept}\) and \(b_{dept}\) must covary

\[\begin{bmatrix} a_{dept} \\ b_{dept} \end{bmatrix} \sim MVNormal \left (\begin{bmatrix} \widehat{a} \\ \widehat{b} \end{bmatrix}, \textbf{S} \right )\]

Building a Covariance Matrix with Correlations

  • A covariance matrix is fine, but we often want to know correlation

  • Often harder to parameterize a covariance matrix conceptually

  • Fortunately, covab = corabsdasdb

    \[S_{ab} = \begin{bmatrix} \sigma_a & 0\\ 0 & \sigma_b \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} 1& r_{ab}\\ r_{ab} & 1 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \sigma_a & 0\\ 0 & \sigma_b \end{bmatrix}\]

Priors and Correlations

  • We know about how to make \(\sigma\) priors with dcauchy

  • What about correlations?

  • Introducting, the LKJ Correlation Distribution!

    -Evaluates probability of correlation matrices

    -Parameter \(\eta\) says how peaked it is towards 0

LKJ Correlation Distribution

So, those random effects…

\[\begin{bmatrix} a_{dept} \\ b_{dept} \end{bmatrix} \sim MVNormal \left (\begin{bmatrix} \widehat{a} \\ \widehat{b} \end{bmatrix}, \mathbf{ \sigma } \textbf{R} \mathbf{ \sigma } \right )\]

A Variable Slope Intercept Model

UCBadmit$isMale <- as.numeric(UCBadmit$applicant.gender)-1

mod_gender_dept_mixed <- alist(
  admit ~ dbinom(applications, p),
  #Data generating process
  logit(p) <- a_hat + a[dept_id] + b_hat*isMale + b[dept_id]*isMale,
  # RE
  c(a,b)[dept_id] ~ multi_normal(c(0,0), Rho, sigma_dept),
  a_hat ~ dnorm(0,10),
  b_hat ~ dnorm(0,10),
  sigma_dept ~ dexp(2),
  Rho ~ dlkjcorr(2)

What is new

Our definition of random effects:
c(a,b)[dept_id] ~ dmvnorm2(c(0,0),
                sigma_dept, Rho)

sigma_dept knows there are 2 values:
sigma_dept ~ dexp(2)

Our Correlation Prior:
Rho ~ dlkjcorr(2)


fit_gender_dept_mixed <- ulam(mod_gender_dept_mixed, 
                              UCBadmit |>
                                select(isMale, dept_id, 
                                       admit, applications),

Did it blend?

Did it blend?

Did it blend?

Posterior Check

How correlated were slope and intercept?

gender_samp <- tidy_draws(fit_gender_dept_mixed)

ggplot(data = gender_samp, aes(x = `Rho[1,2]`)) +
  geom_density(fill = "purple", alpha = 0.3)
 [1] "lp__"          "b[1]"          "b[2]"          "b[3]"         
 [5] "b[4]"          "b[5]"          "b[6]"          "a[1]"         
 [9] "a[2]"          "a[3]"          "a[4]"          "a[5]"         
[13] "a[6]"          "a_hat"         "b_hat"         "sigma_dept[1]"
[17] "sigma_dept[2]" "Rho[1,1]"      "Rho[2,1]"      "Rho[1,2]"     
[21] "Rho[2,2]"      "treedepth__"   "divergent__"   "energy__"     
[25] "accept_stat__" "stepsize__"    "n_leapfrog__"  ".chain"       
[29] ".iteration"    ".draw"        

How correlated were slope and intercept?

How correlated were slope and intercept?

How important was incorporating a random slope?

  1. Can look at density of \(\sigma\) for slope and intercept

  2. Can fit variable intercept only model and compare with WAIC
    • And no reason you can’t use ensemble predictions if both are valid hypotheses

Density of Sigmas

gender_samp <- gender_samp |>
  rename(sigma_int = `sigma_dept[1]`,
         sigma_slope = `sigma_dept[2]`,
gender_samp |>
  select(sigma_int, sigma_slope) |>
  pivot_longer(cols = everything()) |>
ggplot(aes(x=value, color=name)) +

Variable Intercept Only Model

mod_gender_dept_varint <- alist(
  admit ~ dbinom(applications, p),
  #Data generating process
  logit(p) <- a_hat + a[dept_id] + b_hat*isMale,
  a[dept_id] ~ dnorm(0, sigma_dept),
  a_hat ~ dnorm(0,10),
  b_hat ~ dnorm(0,10),
  sigma_dept ~ dexp(2)

fit_gender_dept_varint<- ulam(mod_gender_dept_varint, 
                               data = UCBadmit |>
                                select(isMale, dept_id, 
                                       admit, applications),

Not quite as good of a fit…

(I assume we’ve checked the chains…)

WAIC suggests Variable Slope model better…

But big SE - what would you do?

Optimization and Alternate Parameterization

  • How we build our golem in part of the model itself

  • We have seen even with centering that we can improve fit/speed

  • With big multivariate normal densities, Non-centered parameterization can help

Non-Centered Parameterization

\[ y \sim Normal(\mu, \sigma)\]

This can be re-written as:
\[y = \mu + z \sigma\] \[ z \sim Normal(0,1)\]

Fitting N(0,1) and estimating \(\mu\) and \(z\) is much more efficient

Implications of Non-Centered Parameterization with Mixed Models

  • NC Paramterization implies that if we pull out sigmas and coefficients, we’re left with mean 0 and a correlation matrix

  • Correlations of the priors can be further removed with Cholesky decomposition of the correlation matrix

  • Thus, we can often sample more efficiently

  • Rethinking does this for you under the hood with dmvnormNC
    • Assumes random effects are centered on 0

NC Paramterized Model

mod_gender_dept_nc <- alist(
  admit ~ dbinom(applications, p),
  #Data generating process
  logit(p) <- a_hat + re_dept[dept_id,1] +
    b_hat*isMale + re_dept[dept_id,2]*isMale,
  # NCP RE
  transpars > matrix[6, 2]:re_dept <- 
    compose_noncentered(sigma_dept, Rho_dept, z_dept),

  a_hat ~ dnorm(0,10),
  b_hat ~ dnorm(0,10),
  # NCP priors
  matrix[2,6]:z_dept ~ normal( 0 , 1 ),
  vector[2]:sigma_dept ~ dexp(2),
  cholesky_factor_corr[2]:Rho_dept ~ lkj_corr_cholesky( 2 ),
  # convert Cholesky to Corr matrix
  gq> matrix[2,2]:Rho <<- Chol_to_Corr(Rho_dept)

What is going on in this model matrices

  #Data generating process
  logit(p) <- a_hat + re_dept[dept_id,1] +
    b_hat*isMale + re_dept[dept_id,2]*isMale,
  • We are using a matrix of random effects.

  • Can be efficient for large amounts of REs

Our NCP RE Matrix

  # NCP RE
  transpars > matrix[6, 2]:re_dept <- 
    compose_noncentered(sigma_dept, Rho_dept, z_dept),
  • transpars > says we are creating transformed parameters.

  • note we define a 6 x 2 matrix of REs - intercepts (col 1) and slopes (col 2).

  • z_dept is now a z-scored hyperprior for our REs

Our Z-Scored Hyperprior

  # NCP priors
  matrix[2,6]:z_dept ~ normal( 0 , 1 ),
  • note the matrix is transposed

  • but, every element is N(0,1)

Our Hyperprior for Departmental Variances

  vector[2]:sigma_dept ~ dexp(2),
  • we declare a vector of sigmas for intercept and slope

  • but otherwise as before

Our Correlation Matrix

  cholesky_factor_corr[2]:Rho_dept ~ lkj_corr_cholesky( 2 ),
  # convert Cholesky to Corr matrix
  gq> matrix[2,2]:Rho <<- Chol_to_Corr(Rho_dept)
  • We have an object type specific to Cholesky decomposition - cholesky_factor_corr

  • Also a new distribution for the decomposition lkj_corr_cholesky

  • gq> means generated quantity - so, something derived from your sampled parameters

  • Here we convert our Cholesky decomposed matrix to a true correlation matrix

And let’s fit!

fit_gender_dept_nc <- ulam(mod_gender_dept_nc, 
                           data = UCBadmit |>
                                select(isMale, dept_id, 
                                       admit, applications),

How is Z Mixing?

But how are our REs Mixing?

More transpars for easier comparison

mod_gender_dept_nc <- alist(
  admit ~ dbinom(applications, p),
  #Data generating process
  logit(p) <- a_hat + a[dept_id] + b_hat*isMale + b[dept_id]*isMale,
  # NCP RE
  transpars > vector[6]:a <<- re_dept[,1],
  transpars > vector[6]:b <<- re_dept[,2],
  transpars > matrix[6, 2]:re_dept <- 
    compose_noncentered(sigma_dept, Rho_dept, z_dept),

  a_hat ~ dnorm(0,10),
  b_hat ~ dnorm(0,10),
  # NCP priors
  matrix[2,6]:z_dept ~ normal( 0 , 1 ),
  vector[2]:sigma_dept ~ dexp(2),
  cholesky_factor_corr[2]:Rho_dept ~ lkj_corr_cholesky( 2 ),
  # convert Cholesky to Corr matrix
  gq> matrix[2,2]:Rho <<- Chol_to_Corr(Rho_dept)

Are they different?

Are they different?

            mean        sd        5.5%      94.5%     rhat  ess_bulk
b[1] -0.55390227 0.2942779 -1.03078600 -0.1178819 1.004485  844.8861
b[2] -0.03935680 0.3068819 -0.50585594  0.4384510 1.001113 1095.9337
b[3]  0.24361848 0.2339808 -0.07225857  0.6379051 1.002734  674.7744
b[4]  0.07993483 0.2299250 -0.25628297  0.4473322 1.004246  646.0574
b[5]  0.28029734 0.2534287 -0.07537584  0.6841122 1.001586  824.2421
b[6]  0.06005412 0.2772689 -0.37816329  0.5132305 1.001427 1107.7910

            mean        sd       5.5%      94.5%     rhat ess_bulk
b[1] -0.57294559 0.3108684 -1.0762455 -0.1180378 1.002917 527.9177
b[2] -0.03393095 0.3227156 -0.5333867  0.4788650 1.000409 847.7560
b[3]  0.23581446 0.2536752 -0.1085711  0.6578231 1.001227 382.4475
b[4]  0.07157166 0.2518730 -0.2846817  0.4912321 1.001193 422.2788
b[5]  0.27099108 0.2730831 -0.1201936  0.7649616 1.002690 457.6668
b[6]  0.04700444 0.3192950 -0.4387460  0.5800213 1.002322 539.3690

Visualizing Random Effects

  • Viz of models with varying effects is tricky


  • We often want only averages

  • But, we might want to incorporate our REs for future prediction

Dinosaur Allometry!

First, a model!

Dinosaurs$age_c <- Dinosaurs$age - mean(Dinosaurs$age)
Dinosaurs$log_mass <- log(Dinosaurs$mass)

Likelihood: \(log\ mass_i \sim N(\mu_i, \sigma)\)

DGP: \(\mu_i = \bar{a} + a_{species} + \bar{b} age\ centered_i + b_{species} age\ centered_i\)

RE: \([a_{species}, b_{species}] \sim MVN([0,0], R, [\sigma_a, \sigma_b])\)

Code it

dino_mod <- alist(
  # Likelihood
  # DGP
  # Varying Effects using NCP
  # Priors
  # NCP Priors for Varying Effects

Code it for 6 Species

dino_mod <- alist(
  # Likelihood
  log_mass ~ dnorm(mu, sigma),
  # DGP
  mu <- a_bar + a[sp_id] + b_bar * age_c + b[sp_id]* age_c,
  # Varying Effects using NCP
  transpars > vector[6]:a <<- re_mat[,1],
  transpars > vector[6]:b <<- re_mat[,2],
  transpars > matrix[6, 2]:re_mat <- 
    compose_noncentered(sigma_re, Rho_chol, z),

  a_bar ~ dnorm(0,2),
  b_bar ~ dnorm(0,2),
  sigma ~ dexp(2),
  # NCP Priors for Varying Effects
  matrix[2,6]:z ~ normal( 0 , 1 ),
  vector[2]:sigma_re ~ dexp(2),
  cholesky_factor_corr[2]:Rho_chol ~ lkj_corr_cholesky( 2 ),
  # convert Cholesky to Corr matrix
  gq> matrix[2,2]:Rho <<- Chol_to_Corr(Rho_chol)


dat <- Dinosaurs |>
  select(log_mass, age, age_c, sp_id, species)

dino_fit <- ulam(dino_mod,
                 chains = 3)

How did it do?

How did it do?

Coefficients and Predictions for Individual Species

dino_coefs <- tidy_draws(dino_fit)

dat_pred <- tibble(age = seq(1,15, length.out=100),
                       age_c = age - mean(dat$age)) |>
  crossing(sp_id = unique(dat$sp_id))

fit_pred <- linpred_draws(object = dino_fit, 
                          newdata = dat_pred)

The Average Fit with Coefficient Uncertainty Only

With Each Species

Or Credible Interval

  tibble(age = seq(1,15, length.out=50),
                       age_c = age - mean(dat$age)),
) |>
  mutate(log_mass = a_bar + b_bar*age_c) |>
  ggplot(aes(x = age, y = log_mass)) +
  stat_lineribbon() +
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Oranges")

Or Credible Interval

With Each Species

But What About New Species?

new_sp <- dino_coefs |>
  select(.draw, a_bar, b_bar, `sigma_re[1]`, `sigma_re[2]`, `Rho[1,2]`) |>
  group_by(.draw) |>
  reframe(re = rmvnorm2(1, 
                        sigma = c(`sigma_re[1]`, `sigma_re[2]`), 
                       Rho = matrix(c(1, `Rho[1,2]`, `Rho[1,2]`, 1), 
                                    ncol = 2)),
          a_bar = a_bar, 
          b_bar = b_bar) |>
  mutate(intercept = re[,1] + a_bar,
         slope = re[,2] + b_bar,

But What About New Species?

Or Show with Credibility