Information Theory and a Multimodel World

How complex a model do you need to be useful?

Some models are simple but good enough

More Complex Models are Not Always Better or Right

Consider this data…

sppnames <- c( "afarensis","africanus",

brainvolcc <- c( 438 , 452 , 612, 521, 752, 871, 1350 )
masskg <- c( 37.0 , 35.5 , 34.5 , 41.5 , 55.5 , 61.0 , 53.5 )

d <- data.frame( species=sppnames, 
                 mass=masskg )


We have explained nothing!


We have perfectly explained this sample

What is the right fit?

How do we Navigate?

  1. Regularization
    • Penalize parameters with weak support
  2. Optimization for Prediction
    • Information Theory
    • Draws from comparison of information loss

In and Out of Sample Deviance

Deviance = -2 * log(dnorm(\(y_i | \mu_i\)))
The deviance of this linear regression is 3.176628510^{5}

In and Out of Sample Deviance

Prediction: 806.8141456, Observe: 515
Deviance: 8.526583810^{4}

In and Out of Sample Deviance

Our Goal for Judging Models

  • Can we minimize the out of sample deviance

  • So, fit a model, and evaluate how different the deviance is for a training versus test data set is

  • What can we use to minimize the difference?


Regularization and Train-Test Deviance

A Criteria Estimating Test Sample Deviance

  • What if we could estimate out of sample deviance?

  • The difference between training and testing deviance shows overfitting

A Criteria Estimating Test Sample Deviance

Slope here of 1.95


  • So, \(E[D_{test}] = D_{train} + 2K\)

  • This is Akaike’s Information Criteria (AIC)

\[AIC = Deviance + 2K\]


  • AIC optimized for forecasting (out of sample deviance)

  • Requires flat priors

  • Assumes large N relative to K
    • AICc for a correction

  • Difficult to define in a mixed model context

What about IC in Bayes?

  • We do estimate the posterior distribution of the deviance

  • Average of the posterior, \(\bar{D}\) is our \(D_{train}\)

  • But what about # of parameters?
    • For a non-mixed model, this is not a concern - just the AIC
    • For a mixed model…trickier

Effective number of Parameters

  • In addition to \(\bar{D}\), there is also \(\hat{D}\)
    • The value of the posterior at the posterior mean

  • Given Bayesian logic:
    • \(\bar{D}\) is our estimate of the out of sample deviance
    • \(\hat{D}\) is our \(D_{train}\)
    • So, \(\bar{D} - \hat{D}\) = number of parameters

  • We term this \(p_D\) for effective number of parameters


\[DIC = 2 \bar{D} - 2 p_D\]


\[DIC = 2 \bar{D} - 2 p_D\]

  • Works well for multivariate normal posteriors
  • Handles mixed models
  • Reduces to AIC with flat priors
  • But does not require flat priors - which does interesting things to \(p_D\)!
  • But… fails with anything non-normal, and hot debate on even mixed effects

And so we pause…

  • Our goal is to maximize prediction

  • Why not look at the pieces that make up the deviance
    • The pointwise predictive power of the posterior

  • We can define the Pr(yi | posterior simulations)
  • This tells us the distribution of the predictive power of our posterior for each point
  • \(llpd = \sum log Pr(y_i | \theta)\)

But what about Parameters?

  • We know that as k increases, our uncertainty in coefficients increases

  • As uncertainty increases, Pr(yi | simulations) widens

  • Thus, this variance gives us an effective penalty term

  • \(p_{waic} = \sum Var(log Pr(y_i | \theta))\)

Widely Applicable IC

\[WAIC = -2 \sum log Pr(y_i | \theta) + 2 \sum Var(log Pr(y_i | \theta))\]

\[= -2 llpd + 2 p_{waic}\]

  • Wantanabe’s Information Criteria

  • Advantage in being pointwise is that we also get an estimate of uncertainty

  • Disadvantage that inaprporpiate to use with lagged (spatial or temporal) predictors

  • Which should I use?

    • AIC for flat priors, fixed effects is fine

    • Adding priors, mixed models, DIC or WAIC

    • Non-gaussian posterior? WAIC

    • Lagged predictors? DIC

    How do I use my IC?

    We can calculate:

    \[w_{i} = \frac{e^{\Delta_{i}/2 }}{\displaystyle \sum^R_{r=1} e^{\Delta_{i}/2 }}\]
    Where \(w_{i}\) is the relative support for model i making the best prediction compared to other models in the set being considered.

    Model weights summed together = 1

    Monkies and Milk

    d <- milk[ complete.cases(milk) , ]
    d$neocortex <- d$neocortex.perc / 100

    A lotta Models

    a.start <- mean(d$kcal.per.g)
    sigma.start <- log(sd(d$kcal.per.g))
    m6.11 <- map(
            kcal.per.g ~ dnorm( a , exp(log.sigma) )
        ) ,
        data=d , start=list(a=a.start,log.sigma=sigma.start) )
    #neocortex only
    m6.12 <- map(
            kcal.per.g ~ dnorm( mu , exp(log.sigma) ) ,
            mu <- a + bn*neocortex
        ) ,
        data=d , start=list(a=a.start,bn=0,log.sigma=sigma.start) )

    A lotta Models

    # log(mass) only
    m6.13 <- map(
            kcal.per.g ~ dnorm( mu , exp(log.sigma) ) ,
            mu <- a + bm*log(mass)
        ) ,
        data=d , start=list(a=a.start,bm=0,log.sigma=sigma.start) )
    # neocortex + log(mass)
    m6.14 <- map(
            kcal.per.g ~ dnorm( mu , exp(log.sigma) ) ,
            mu <- a + bn*neocortex + bm*log(mass)
        ) ,
        data=d , start=list(a=a.start,bn=0,bm=0,log.sigma=sigma.start) )

    A WAIC

    WAIC( m6.14 )
    [ 100 / 1000 ]
    [ 200 / 1000 ]
    [ 300 / 1000 ]
    [ 400 / 1000 ]
    [ 500 / 1000 ]
    [ 600 / 1000 ]
    [ 700 / 1000 ]
    [ 800 / 1000 ]
    [ 900 / 1000 ]
    [ 1000 / 1000 ]
    [1] -15.08076
    [1] 12.33633
    [1] 4.795952
    [1] 7.68153

    Comparing Models

    milk.models <- compare( m6.11 , m6.12 , m6.13 , m6.14 )
           WAIC pWAIC dWAIC weight   SE  dSE
    m6.14 -14.5   5.1   0.0   0.91 7.61   NA
    m6.13  -8.3   2.8   6.2   0.04 5.53 5.34
    m6.11  -8.0   1.9   6.5   0.04 4.68 7.24
    m6.12  -6.0   3.0   8.5   0.01 4.28 7.51

    Comparing Models

    plot(milk.models, cex=1.5)

    solid = deviance, circle=WAIC, triangle = \(\Delta\)WAIC

    Death to model selection

    • While sometimes the model you should use is clear, more often it is not

    • Further, you made those models for a reason: you suspect those terms are important

    • Better to look at coefficients across models

    • For actual predictions, ensemble predictions provide real uncertainty


    Remember, m6.14 has a 97% WAIC model weight

    ctab <- coeftab( m6.11 , m6.12 , m6.13 , m6.14)
              m6.11   m6.12   m6.13   m6.14  
    a            0.66    0.35    0.71   -1.09
    log.sigma   -1.79   -1.80   -1.85   -2.16
    bn             NA    0.45      NA    2.79
    bm             NA      NA   -0.03   -0.10
    nobs           17      17      17      17


    Remember, m6.14 has a 97% WAIC model weight


    Ensemble Prediction

    • Ensemble prediction gives us better uncertainty estimates

    • Takes relative weights of predictions into account

    • Takes weights of coefficients into account

    • Basicaly, get simulated predicted values, multiply them by model weight

    Making an Ensemble

    milk.ensemble <- ensemble( m6.11, m6.12, 
                               m6.13 ,m6.14 , data=d.predict )
    mu_ensemble <- apply( milk.ensemble$link , 2 , mean )
    mu.PI_fit <- apply( milk.ensemble$link , 2 , PI )

    Making an Ensemble


    • Take your milk multiple predictor models with clade, milk components, both, and neither

    • Compare via WAIC

    • Get ensemble predictions for each clade