Bayesian Analysis with Multiple Predictors

Why Linear Regression: A Simple Statistical Golem

  • Describes association between predictor and response
  • Response is additive combination of predictor(s)
  • Constant variance

Why should we be wary of linear regression?

  • Approximate
  • Not mechanistic
  • Often deployed without thought
  • But, often very accurate

Waffle House: Does it Lead to Perdition?

So many possibilities

Today’s Outline

  1. Multiple Predictors in a Bayesian Framework
    • How multiple predictors tease apart spurious and masked relationships

  2. Evaluating a Model with Multiple Predictors

  3. Problems With Too Many Predictors

  4. Categorical Variables

Why use multiple predictors

Why NOT use multiple predictors

How to Build a Model with Multiple Predictors

\(h_i \sim Normal(\mu_i, \sigma)\)

Data Generating Process
\(\mu_i = \alpha + \beta_1 x1_i + \beta_2 x2_i + ...\)

\(\alpha \sim Normal(0, 100)\)
\(\beta_j \sim Normal(0, 100)\)
\(\sigma \sim U(0,50)\)

Our Data

Let’s start with standardization

WaffleDivorce <- WaffleDivorce %>%

  #using scale to center and divide by SD
  mutate(Marriage.s = (Marriage-mean(Marriage))/sd(Marriage),
         MedianAgeMarriage.s = as.vector(scale(MedianAgeMarriage)))

Can we Trust This?

Can we Trust This?

If these are correlated, which is the driver?

What does a Multiple Regression Coefficient Mean?

  • What is the predictive value of one variable once all others have been accounted for?

  • We want a coefficient that explains the unique contribution of a predictor

  • What is the effect of x1 on y after we take out the effect of x2 on x1?

Our Model

\(D_i \sim Normal(\mu_i, \sigma)\)

Data Generating Process
\(\mu_i = \alpha + \beta_R R_i + \beta_A A_i\)

\(\alpha \sim Normal(10, 10)\)     Guess from data
\(\beta_R \sim Normal(0, 1)\)     Because standardized
\(\beta_A \sim Normal(0, 1)\)     Because standardized
\(\sigma \sim U(0,10)\)     Guess from data

Our Model

mod <- alist(
  Divorce ~ dnorm(mu, sigma),
  #data generating process
  mu <- a + bR*Marriage.s + bA * MedianAgeMarriage.s,
  # Priors
  a ~ dnorm(10,10),
  bR ~ dnorm(0,1),
  bA ~ dnorm(0,1),
  sigma ~ dunif(0,10)

fit <- map(mod, data=WaffleDivorce)

Results: We Only Need Median Age

       Mean StdDev  5.5% 94.5%
a      9.69   0.20  9.36 10.01
bR    -0.13   0.28 -0.58  0.31
bA    -1.13   0.28 -1.58 -0.69
sigma  1.44   0.14  1.21  1.67

Today’s Outline

  1. Multiple Predictors in a Bayesian Framework
    • How multiple predictors tease apart spurious and masked relationships

  2. Evaluating a Model with Multiple Predictors

  3. Problems With Too Many Predictors

  4. Categorical Variables

How to Understand Posteriors


How to Understand Posteriors

  1. Predictor-residual plots
    • What if you remove the effect of other predictors?

  2. Counterfactual plots
    • What if something else had happened?

  3. Posterior Predictions
    • How close are model predictions to the data

Predictor-Residual Plots

  • The cr.plots from the car package
    • Component-residual

  • Take the residual of a predictor, assess it’s predictive power

Steps to Make Predictor-Residual Plots

  1. Compute predictor 1 ~ all other predictors

  2. Take residual of predictor 1

  3. Regress predictor 1 on response

PR Model Part 1

m_mod <- alist(
  Marriage.s ~ dnorm(mu, sigma),
  mu <- a + b*MedianAgeMarriage.s,
  a ~ dnorm(0,10),
  b ~ dnorm(0,10),
  sigma ~ dunif(0,10))

m_fit <- map(m_mod, data=WaffleDivorce)

PR Model Part 2

WaffleDivorce <- WaffleDivorce %>%
  mutate(Marriage_resid = Marriage.s - 
           (coef(m_fit)[1] + coef(m_fit)[2]*MedianAgeMarriage.s)

The Predictor-Residual Plot

What have we learned after accounting for median age?

Counterfactual Plots

  • Counterfactual: A conditional statement of “if this, then …”

  • Powerful way of assessing models - “If we had seen Marraige Rate as x, then the effect of Median age on divorce rate would be…”

  • Shows model implied predictions, often at levels nor observed

Counterfactual Plots: Code

cf_data <- crossing(Marriage.s = -2:2, 
                    MedianAgeMarriage.s = seq(-2,2,length.out=300))
#get the data
cf_mu <- link(fit, data = cf_data, refresh=0)
cf_pred <- sim(fit, data=cf_data, refresh=0)

#Get the mean trend
cf_data$Divorce = apply(cf_mu, 2, median)

#get the intervals
cf_mu_pi <- apply(cf_mu, 2, HPDI)
cf_pred_pi <-apply(cf_pred, 2, HPDI)

#add back to the data
cf_data <- cf_data %>% 
  mutate(mu_lwr = cf_mu_pi[1,], mu_upr = cf_mu_pi[2,],
         pred_lwr = cf_pred_pi[1,], pred_upr = cf_pred_pi[2,])

What do we learn about the effects of Median Marriage Age?

What do we learn about the effects of Median Age and Marriage Rate?

Posterior Prediction: Assessing Fit

  • Good ole’ Observed v. Residual, but now with moar error!

  • Residuals by groups

  • Residuals by other candidate predictors

Getting Residuals

mu <- link(fit, refresh=0)

#Get residual info
WaffleDivorce <- WaffleDivorce %>%
  mutate(Divorce_mu =  apply(mu, 2, mean),
         Divorce_mu_lwr = apply(mu, 2, HPDI)[1,],
         Divorce_mu_upr = apply(mu, 2, HPDI)[2,],
         Divorce_res = Divorce - Divorce_mu,
         Divorce_res_lwr = Divorce - Divorce_mu_lwr,
         Divorce_res_upr = Divorce - Divorce_mu_upr)

What do we learn here?

What is up with those outlying points?

Posterior Prediction: Where did things go wrong?

postcheck to see estimate, data, & fit and prediction error

Other Predictors?

Today’s Outline

  1. Multiple Predictors in a Bayesian Framework
    • How multiple predictors tease apart spurious and masked relationships

  2. Evaluating a Model with Multiple Predictors

  3. Problems With Too Many Predictors

  4. Categorical Variables

Why not add everything?

  • Loss of precision
  • Multicollinearity
  • Loss of Interpretability
  • Overfitting

Loss of precision

Bias-Variance Tradeoff

Multicollinearity and Crabs

What did coefficeints for each claw size mean?

What do you gain by knowing one claw size after knowing the other claw size?

Do Crabs really not have an effect?

The Problem of Correlated Coefficients

The Information is there if you sum claw effects

Today’s Outline

  1. Multiple Predictors in a Bayesian Framework
    • How multiple predictors tease apart spurious and masked relationships

  2. Evaluating a Model with Multiple Predictors

  3. Problems With Too Many Predictors

  4. Categorical Variables

Categorical Variables

  • Lots of ways to write models with categorical variables

  • We all hate R’s treatment contrasts

  • Two main ways to write a model

Categorical Model Construction

  1. Code each level as 1 or 0 if present/absent
    • Need to have one baseline level
    • Treatment contrasts!
    • predation <- a + b * is_crab

2. Index your categories
- Need to convert factors to levels with as.numeric()
- predaion <- a[species]

Monkies and Milk

Monkies and Milk Production

             clade            species kcal.per.g perc.fat perc.protein
1    Strepsirrhine     Eulemur fulvus       0.49    16.60        15.42
2    Strepsirrhine           E macaco       0.51    19.27        16.91
3    Strepsirrhine           E mongoz       0.46    14.11        16.85
4    Strepsirrhine      E rubriventer       0.48    14.91        13.18
5    Strepsirrhine        Lemur catta       0.60    27.28        19.50
6 New World Monkey Alouatta seniculus       0.47    21.22        23.58
  perc.lactose mass neocortex.perc
1        67.98 1.95          55.16
2        63.82 2.09             NA
3        69.04 2.51             NA
4        71.91 1.62             NA
5        53.22 2.19             NA
6        55.20 5.25          64.54

To easily make Variables

mmat <- model.matrix.default(mass ~ clade, data=milk)
colnames(mmat) <- c("Ape", "New_World_Monkey", "Old_World_Monkey", "Strepsirrhine")
milk <- cbind(milk, mmat)

  Ape New_World_Monkey Old_World_Monkey Strepsirrhine
1   1                0                0             1
2   1                0                0             1
3   1                0                0             1
4   1                0                0             1
5   1                0                0             1
6   1                1                0             0

Original Milk Model

milk_mod_1 <- alist(
  kcal.per.g ~ dnorm(mu, sigma),
  mu <- a*Ape + b1*New_World_Monkey +
    b2*Old_World_Monkey + b3*Strepsirrhine,
  a ~ dnorm(0.6, 10),
  b1 ~ dnorm(0,1),
  b2 ~ dnorm(0,1),
  b3 ~ dnorm(0,1),
  sigma ~ dunif(0,10)

milk_fit_1 <- map(milk_mod_1, data=milk)

Milk Coefs: What does a and b mean?

To get the New World mean…

samp_milk <- extract.samples(milk_fit_1)

new_world <- samp_milk$a + samp_milk$b1

#Deviation from Ape
     |0.89      0.89| 
0.08590751 0.25427773 
#New World Monkies
    |0.89     0.89| 
0.6522314 0.7725283 

A Better Way

milk$clade_idx <- as.numeric(milk$clade)

#A new model
milk_mod_2 <- alist(
  kcal.per.g ~ dnorm(mu, sigma),
  #note the indexing!
  mu <- a[clade_idx],
  #four priors with one line!
  a[clade_idx] ~ dnorm(0.6, 10),
  sigma ~ dunif(0,10)

milk_fit_2 <- map(milk_mod_2, data=milk)

Compare Results

#New World Monkies
#From Mod1
    |0.89     0.89| 
0.6522314 0.7725283 
#From Mod2 - note indexing
samp_fit2 <- extract.samples(milk_fit_2)
    |0.89     0.89| 
0.6510912 0.7728139 

Today’s Exercise

  1. Build a model explaing the kcal.per.g of milk

  2. First try 2 continuous predictors

  3. Add clade

  4. Bonus: Can you make an interaction (try this last)