\(h_i \sim Normal(\mu_i, \sigma)\)
Data Generating Process
\(\mu_i = \alpha + \beta_1 x1_i + \beta_2 x2_i + ...\)
\(\alpha \sim Normal(0, 100)\)
\(\beta_j \sim Normal(0, 100)\)
\(\sigma \sim U(0,50)\)
WaffleDivorce <- WaffleDivorce %>%
#using scale to center and divide by SD
mutate(Marriage.s = (Marriage-mean(Marriage))/sd(Marriage),
MedianAgeMarriage.s = as.vector(scale(MedianAgeMarriage)))
\(D_i \sim Normal(\mu_i, \sigma)\)
Data Generating Process
\(\mu_i = \alpha + \beta_R R_i + \beta_A A_i\)
\(\alpha \sim Normal(10, 10)\) Guess from data
\(\beta_R \sim Normal(0, 1)\) Because standardized
\(\beta_A \sim Normal(0, 1)\) Because standardized
\(\sigma \sim U(0,10)\) Guess from data
mod <- alist(
Divorce ~ dnorm(mu, sigma),
#data generating process
mu <- a + bR*Marriage.s + bA * MedianAgeMarriage.s,
# Priors
a ~ dnorm(10,10),
bR ~ dnorm(0,1),
bA ~ dnorm(0,1),
sigma ~ dunif(0,10)
fit <- map(mod, data=WaffleDivorce)
Mean StdDev 5.5% 94.5%
a 9.69 0.20 9.36 10.01
bR -0.13 0.28 -0.58 0.31
bA -1.13 0.28 -1.58 -0.69
sigma 1.44 0.14 1.21 1.67
from the car
m_mod <- alist(
Marriage.s ~ dnorm(mu, sigma),
mu <- a + b*MedianAgeMarriage.s,
a ~ dnorm(0,10),
b ~ dnorm(0,10),
sigma ~ dunif(0,10))
m_fit <- map(m_mod, data=WaffleDivorce)
WaffleDivorce <- WaffleDivorce %>%
mutate(Marriage_resid = Marriage.s -
(coef(m_fit)[1] + coef(m_fit)[2]*MedianAgeMarriage.s)
cf_data <- crossing(Marriage.s = -2:2,
MedianAgeMarriage.s = seq(-2,2,length.out=300))
#get the data
cf_mu <- link(fit, data = cf_data, refresh=0)
cf_pred <- sim(fit, data=cf_data, refresh=0)
#Get the mean trend
cf_data$Divorce = apply(cf_mu, 2, median)
#get the intervals
cf_mu_pi <- apply(cf_mu, 2, HPDI)
cf_pred_pi <-apply(cf_pred, 2, HPDI)
#add back to the data
cf_data <- cf_data %>%
mutate(mu_lwr = cf_mu_pi[1,], mu_upr = cf_mu_pi[2,],
pred_lwr = cf_pred_pi[1,], pred_upr = cf_pred_pi[2,])
mu <- link(fit, refresh=0)
#Get residual info
WaffleDivorce <- WaffleDivorce %>%
mutate(Divorce_mu = apply(mu, 2, mean),
Divorce_mu_lwr = apply(mu, 2, HPDI)[1,],
Divorce_mu_upr = apply(mu, 2, HPDI)[2,],
Divorce_res = Divorce - Divorce_mu,
Divorce_res_lwr = Divorce - Divorce_mu_lwr,
Divorce_res_upr = Divorce - Divorce_mu_upr)
to see estimate, data, & fit and prediction error
Divorce ~ dnorm( mu , sigma ),
mu <- Intercept +
b_MedianAgeMarriage_s*MedianAgeMarriage_s +
b_Marriage_s*Marriage_s +
b_South*South +
Intercept ~ dnorm(0,10),
b_MedianAgeMarriage_s ~ dnorm(0,10),
b_Marriage_s ~ dnorm(0,10),
b_South ~ dnorm(0,10),
b_Population ~ dnorm(0,10),
sigma ~ dcauchy(0,2)
predation <- a + b * is_crab
2. Index your categories
- Need to convert factors to levels with as.numeric()
- predaion <- a[species]
clade species kcal.per.g perc.fat perc.protein
1 Strepsirrhine Eulemur fulvus 0.49 16.60 15.42
2 Strepsirrhine E macaco 0.51 19.27 16.91
3 Strepsirrhine E mongoz 0.46 14.11 16.85
4 Strepsirrhine E rubriventer 0.48 14.91 13.18
5 Strepsirrhine Lemur catta 0.60 27.28 19.50
6 New World Monkey Alouatta seniculus 0.47 21.22 23.58
perc.lactose mass neocortex.perc
1 67.98 1.95 55.16
2 63.82 2.09 NA
3 69.04 2.51 NA
4 71.91 1.62 NA
5 53.22 2.19 NA
6 55.20 5.25 64.54
mmat <- model.matrix.default(mass ~ clade, data=milk)
colnames(mmat) <- c("Ape", "New_World_Monkey", "Old_World_Monkey", "Strepsirrhine")
milk <- cbind(milk, mmat)
Ape New_World_Monkey Old_World_Monkey Strepsirrhine
1 1 0 0 1
2 1 0 0 1
3 1 0 0 1
4 1 0 0 1
5 1 0 0 1
6 1 1 0 0
milk_mod_1 <- alist(
kcal.per.g ~ dnorm(mu, sigma),
mu <- a*Ape + b1*New_World_Monkey +
b2*Old_World_Monkey + b3*Strepsirrhine,
a ~ dnorm(0.6, 10),
b1 ~ dnorm(0,1),
b2 ~ dnorm(0,1),
b3 ~ dnorm(0,1),
sigma ~ dunif(0,10)
milk_fit_1 <- map(milk_mod_1, data=milk)
samp_milk <- extract.samples(milk_fit_1)
new_world <- samp_milk$a + samp_milk$b1
#Deviation from Ape
|0.89 0.89|
0.08590751 0.25427773
#New World Monkies
|0.89 0.89|
0.6522314 0.7725283
milk$clade_idx <- as.numeric(milk$clade)
#A new model
milk_mod_2 <- alist(
kcal.per.g ~ dnorm(mu, sigma),
#note the indexing!
mu <- a[clade_idx],
#four priors with one line!
a[clade_idx] ~ dnorm(0.6, 10),
sigma ~ dunif(0,10)
milk_fit_2 <- map(milk_mod_2, data=milk)
#New World Monkies
#From Mod1
|0.89 0.89|
0.6522314 0.7725283
#From Mod2 - note indexing
samp_fit2 <- extract.samples(milk_fit_2)
|0.89 0.89|
0.6510912 0.7728139
of milk