\(prob \sim Uniform(0,1)\)
\(\mu \sim Normal(0,1000)\)
\(\sigma \sim U(0,50)\)
Mean StdDev |0.89 0.89|
height 154.60 7.74 142.24 166.37
weight 44.99 6.46 35.47 56.02
age 41.14 15.97 18.00 64.00
male 0.47 0.50 0.00 1.00
\(\mu \sim Normal(150, 20)\) From the data
\(\sigma \sim U(0,50)\) Wide range of possibilities
\(\mu \sim Normal(150, 20)\) From the data
\(\sigma \sim U(0,50)\) Wide range of possibilities
\(\mu \sim Normal(150, 20)\) From the data
\(\sigma \sim U(0,50)\) Wide range of possibilities
# Make the grid
grid <- crossing(mu = seq(140, 160, length.out=200),
sigma = seq(4, 9, length.out=200)) %>%
#Calculate the log-likelihoods for each row
group_by(1:n()) %>%
mutate(log_lik = sum(dnorm(Howell1_Adult$height, mu, sigma, log=TRUE))) %>%
ungroup() %>%
# Use these and our posteriors to get the numerator
# of Bayes theorem
mutate(numerator = log_lik +
dnorm(mu, 150, 20, log=TRUE) +
dunif(sigma, 0,50, log=TRUE)) %>%
#Now calculate the posterior (approximate)
mutate(posterior = exp(numerator - max(numerator)))
# Make the grid
grid <- crossing(mu = seq(140, 160, length.out=200),
sigma = seq(4, 9, length.out=200)) %>%
#Calculate the log-likelihoods for each row
group_by(1:n()) %>%
mutate(log_lik = sum(dnorm(Howell1_Adult$height, mu, sigma, log=TRUE))) %>%
ungroup() %>%
# Use these and our posteriors to get the numerator
# of Bayes theorem
mutate(numerator = log_lik +
dnorm(mu, 150, 20, log=TRUE) +
dunif(sigma, 0,50, log=TRUE)) %>%
# Make the grid
grid <- crossing(mu = seq(140, 160, length.out=200),
sigma = seq(4, 9, length.out=200)) %>%
#Calculate the log-likelihoods for each row
group_by(1:n()) %>%
mutate(log_lik = sum(dnorm(Howell1_Adult$height, mu, sigma, log=TRUE))) %>%
ungroup() %>%
# Use these and our posteriors to get the numerator
# of Bayes theorem
mutate(numerator = log_lik +
dnorm(mu, 150, 20, log=TRUE) +
dunif(sigma, 0,50, log=TRUE)) %>%
#Now calculate the posterior (approximate)
mutate(posterior = exp(numerator - max(numerator)))
height ~ dnorm(mu, sigma)
\(\mu \sim Normal(150, 20)\) mu ~ dnorm(150, 200)
\(\sigma \sim U(0,50)\) sigma ~ dunif(0,50)
\(h_i \sim Normal(\mu_i, \sigma)\)
Data Generating Process
\(\mu_i = \alpha + \beta x_i\)
\(\alpha \sim Normal(178, 100)\) Reasonable Range from data
\(\beta \sim Normal(0, 10)\) Weakly Informative
\(\sigma \sim U(0,50)\) Wide range of possibilities
[1] 31.07105 62.99259
Try a log-normal to guaruntee a positive value!
[1] 7.208450 -3.946306 9.826626 -14.043020 8.002034 -7.507425
[7] -17.869624 6.412382 -7.564241 6.945962
[1] 2.8380974 0.8909155 0.2886832 0.1285018 1.1239655 1.4806061 0.8809009
[8] 0.7026157 3.6836816 0.4159838
We use link
to extract from the link (prediction) function:
[1] 10000 352
Mean StdDev 5.5% 94.5% alpha beta sigma
alpha 113.98 1.90 110.94 117.03 1.00 -0.99 0
beta 0.90 0.04 0.84 0.97 -0.99 1.00 0
sigma 5.07 0.19 4.77 5.38 0.00 0.00 1
alpha beta sigma
1 113.2631 0.9113468 5.447617
2 111.5392 0.9552925 5.374237
3 118.2644 0.8187566 5.204558
4 114.1050 0.9063995 4.928162
5 114.1539 0.9037442 5.189243
6 110.6849 0.9780145 5.147052
#1) Make a fake data frame over the relevant range
pred_df <- data.frame(weight=seq(30,65, length.out=200))
#2) Get the fit values & interval
pred <- link(weight_fit, data=pred_df, refresh=0)
pred_hpdi <- apply(pred, 2, HPDI)
#3) Put it all back together and plot
pred_df <- mutate(pred_df,
height = apply(pred, 2, mean),
lwr_fit = pred_hpdi[1,],
upr_fit = pred_hpdi[2,])
and geom_ribbon
for plotting
This is not linear
\(h_i \sim Normal(\mu_i, \sigma)\)
Data Generating Process
\(\mu_i = \alpha + \beta_1 x_i + \beta_2 x_i^2 + \beta_3 x_i^3\)
\(\alpha \sim Normal(178, 100)\)
\(\beta_j \sim Normal(0, 10)\)
\(\sigma \sim U(0,50)\)
or the posterior to plot fit error