Bayesian Linear Regression

Why Linear Regression: A Simple Statistical Golem

  • Describes association between predictor and response
  • Response is additive combination of predictor(s)
  • Constant variance

Why should we be wary of linear regression?

  • Approximate
  • Not mechanistic
  • Often deployed without thought
  • But, often very accurate

Why a Normal Error Distribution

  • Good descriptor of sum of many small errors
  • True for many different distributions

Why a Normal Error Distribution

Try it

Flexible to Many distributions

Try it: the Central Limit Theorem

So, how do we build models?

  1. Identify response

  2. Determine likelihood (distribution of error of response)

  3. Write equation(s) describing generation of predicted values

  4. Assign priors to parameters

Our Previous Model

\(w \sim Binomial(6, size=9, prob = prob)\)

\(prob \sim Uniform(0,1)\)

A Normal Model

\(y_i \sim Normal(\mu, \sigma)\)

\(\mu \sim Normal(0,1000)\)
\(\sigma \sim U(0,50)\)

A Model of a Mean from the !Kung San

What does the data look like?

         Mean StdDev  |0.89  0.89|
height 154.60   7.74 142.24 166.37
weight  44.99   6.46  35.47  56.02
age     41.14  15.97  18.00  64.00
male     0.47   0.50   0.00   1.00

Our Model of Height

\(h_i \sim Normal(\mu, \sigma)\)

\(\mu \sim Normal(150, 20)\) From the data
\(\sigma \sim U(0,50)\) Wide range of possibilities


Prior Predictive Simulation

  • Are your priors any good?

  • Simulate from them to generate fake data

  • Does simulated data look realistic?

  • Does simulated data at least fall in the range of your data?


\(\mu \sim Normal(150, 20)\) From the data
\(\sigma \sim U(0,50)\) Wide range of possibilities

Reasonable? Giants and Negative People?

\(\mu \sim Normal(150, 20)\) From the data
\(\sigma \sim U(0,50)\) Wide range of possibilities

Grid Sampling

Grid Sampling

Grid Sampling

Grid Sampling

Grid Sampling


Posterior from a Sample

Or, let’s Reconceptualize With a Model

\(h_i \sim Normal(\mu, \sigma)\)    height ~ dnorm(mu, sigma)

\(\mu \sim Normal(150, 20)\)    mu ~ dnorm(150, 200)
\(\sigma \sim U(0,50)\)    sigma ~ dunif(0,50)

Building Models using rethinking: The alist Object

Building Models using rethinking: The alist Object

Feed the Model to Maximum A Posterior Approximation

  • Uses optimization algorithms
  • Same algorithms as likelihood

Compare map to grid

Adding a Predictor

  1. Identify response (height)

  2. Determine likelihood (distribution of error of response)

  3. Write equation(s) describing generation of predicted values
    • Weight predicts height

  4. Assign priors to parameters
    • Check priors with simulation

The Mean Changes with predictor: A Linear Model!

\(h_i \sim Normal(\mu_i, \sigma)\)

Data Generating Process
\(\mu_i = \alpha + \beta x_i\)

\(\alpha \sim Normal(178, 100)\)   Reasonable Range from data
\(\beta \sim Normal(0, 10)\)   Weakly Informative
\(\sigma \sim U(0,50)\)  Wide range of possibilities

When in doubt, simulate it out!

[1] 31.07105 62.99259

When in doubt, simulate it out!

When in doubt, simulate it out!


Rethinking our Priors!

Try a log-normal to guaruntee a positive value!

 [1]   7.208450  -3.946306   9.826626 -14.043020   8.002034  -7.507425
 [7] -17.869624   6.412382  -7.564241   6.945962
 [1] 2.8380974 0.8909155 0.2886832 0.1285018 1.1239655 1.4806061 0.8809009
 [8] 0.7026157 3.6836816 0.4159838

Simulate it out!

Our Linear Model

The fit

The fit

So, what do we do with a fit model?

  1. Evaluate model assumptions

  2. Evaluate model estimates and meaning

  3. Assess uncertainty in fit

  4. Assess uncertainty in prediction

Sampling from the Posterior Predictions

We use link to extract from the link (prediction) function:

[1] 10000   352

QQ, etc…

Observed - Fitted


Model Results

        Mean StdDev   5.5%  94.5% alpha  beta sigma
alpha 113.98   1.90 110.94 117.03  1.00 -0.99     0
beta    0.90   0.04   0.84   0.97 -0.99  1.00     0
sigma   5.07   0.19   4.77   5.38  0.00  0.00     1
  • Are these meaningful?
  • Should you standardize predictors for a meaningful intercept?
  • Is this the right interval?

Model Results

Sampling from the Posterior Distribution

     alpha      beta    sigma
1 113.2631 0.9113468 5.447617
2 111.5392 0.9552925 5.374237
3 118.2644 0.8187566 5.204558
4 114.1050 0.9063995 4.928162
5 114.1539 0.9037442 5.189243
6 110.6849 0.9780145 5.147052



How Well Have we Fit the Data?

How Well Have we Fit the Data?

What about with fit intervals?

What about with fit intervals?

geom_line and geom_ribbon for plotting

What about prediction intervals?

Prediction Interval

Polynomial Regression and Standardization

The Actual Data

This is not linear

A nonlinear Model

\(h_i \sim Normal(\mu_i, \sigma)\)

Data Generating Process
\(\mu_i = \alpha + \beta_1 x_i + \beta_2 x_i^2 + \beta_3 x_i^3\)

\(\alpha \sim Normal(178, 100)\)
\(\beta_j \sim Normal(0, 10)\)
\(\sigma \sim U(0,50)\)

Before fitting this, Standardize!

  • Standardizing a predictor aids in fitting
    • Scale issues of different variables

  • Standardizing yields comparable coefficients

  • You don’t have to
    • But if you encounter problems, it’s a good fallback

Our Model

Making variables and Fitting


  1. Fit this nonlinear model

  2. Assess it

  3. Plot the fit and error
    • Feel free to use link or the posterior to plot fit error


I hate that x axis