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Bayesian Inference

  • Estimate probability of a parameter

  • State degree of believe in specific parameter values

  • Evaluate probability of hypothesis given the data

  • Incorporate prior knowledge

  • Frequentist: p(x ≤ D | H)

  • Likelhoodist: p( D | H)

  • Bayesian: p(H | D)

Why is this approach inherently Bayesian?

Let’s see how Bayes works

I have a bag with 4 stones. Some are black. Some are white.

I’m going to draw stones, one at a time, with replacement, and let’s see the number of ways that the draw could have been produced.

After 4 draws, let’s calculate the probability of W white stones and B black stones. Let’s formalize how we made this calculation - and derive Bayes Theorem!

Bayes Theorem and Stones

  • Each possibility = H

  • Prior plausibility = P(H)

  • P(Draw | H) = Likelihood

  • Sum of all P(Draw | H) P(H) = Average Likelihood
    - = P(Draw)

Bayes Theorem and Stones

\[p(H_i | Draw) = \frac{Likelihood\,* \,Prior}{Average\,\,Likelihood}\]

Bayes Theorem and Stones

\[p(H_i | Draw) = \frac{p(Draw | H_i) p(H_i)}{P(Draw)}\]

Bayes Theorem

\[p(Hypothesis | Data) = \frac{p(Data | Hypothesis) p(Hypothesis)}{P(Data)}\]

Bayesian Updating

Now let’s do that over again! And again!

Watch the Updating in Realtime!

Let’s do this in R with Grid Sampling!

Use dplyr and mutate() for the following.

  1. Chose what fraction of stones is white in a bag of infinite size.

  2. Creat a column of possible values from 0 to 1.

  3. Define a prior as the second column.

  4. Calculate your posterior after 1 random draw, then repeat for draws 2-4 plotting your posteriors
    • posterior = likelihood*prior/sum(all posterior values)

  5. Plot your posterior given 100 draws, given your initial prior.

Introducing rethinking

Introducing rethinking

This is from the Rcode on page 42, box 2.6. Assume 100 draws.

Now let’s explore our output

Maximum a posteriori (MAP) model fit

w ~ dbinom(100, p)
p ~ dunif(0, 1)

MAP values:

Log-likelihood: -2.46 


  Mean StdDev 5.5% 94.5%
p 0.32   0.05 0.25  0.39


  Mean StdDev 20.0% 80.0%
p 0.32   0.05  0.28  0.36

Evaluation of a Posterior: Bayesian Credible Intervals

In Bayesian analyses, the 95% Credible Interval is the region in which we find 95% of the possible parameter values. The observed parameter is drawn from this distribution. For normally distributed parameters:

\[\hat{\beta} - 2*\hat{SD} \le \hat{\beta} \le \hat{\beta} +2*\hat{SD}\]

where \(\hat{SD}\) is the SD of the posterior distribution of the parameter \(\beta\). Note, for non-normal posteriors, the distribution may be different.

Evaluation of a Posterior: Frequentist Confidence Intervals

In Frequentist analyses, the 95% Confidence Interval of a parameter is the region in which, were we to repeat the experiment an infinite number of times, the true value would occur 95% of the time. For normal distributions of parameters:

\[\hat{\beta} - t(\alpha, df)SE_{\beta} \le \beta \le \hat{\beta} +t(\alpha, df)SE_{\beta}\]

Credible Intervals versus Confidence Intervals

  • Frequentist Confidence Intervals tell you the region you have confidence a true value of a parameter may occur

  • If you have an estimate of 5 with a Frequentist CI of 2, you cannot say how likely it is that the parameter is 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7

  • Bayesian Credible Intervals tell you the region that you have some probability of a parameter value

  • With an estimate of 5 and a CI of 2, you can make statements about degree of belief in whether a parmeter is 3, 4,5, 6 or 7 - or even the probability that it falls outside of those bounds

The Posterior with extract.samples

1 0.3544378
2 0.2834933
3 0.3437578
4 0.2504989
5 0.3051117
6 0.3089026

Visualize the posterior

Your turn

  • Fit a binomial model using rethinking with - 19 successes - 50 trials
  • Plot it

  • If you can, with geom_ribbon(), highlight the 75% CI